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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Alright, we just had a spam attack by multiple people. I am, thanks to Skyline, cleaning up the mess using his account, and suspending the members as I go. If there is ever a spam attack like this, please refrain from posting. Keeping the recent posts all by the spammers makes the clean up easier.

    Thank you for your time, and thank you Skyline for offering your account for the clean up process. Much appreciated.

  2. Once upon a time, there was a moderator here named biggamer132. I miss him, but nobody else does here, which is sad, he survived cancer and is younger than me. I think that's cool :)

    Hey! I miss him too!

    Anyway, I rode a bike down a hill with no brakes. Hit a tree with a temporary knock out. It was fun though

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