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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. oh you had the same virus as me Remy, i redid my computer and burned all of my stuff i wanted onto cd.

    :bashhead: i only had a 128kb USB plug in and i put Photoshop on it and took all of the space

    I think your looking for 128 MB.. 128 kb is smaller than my sig.

  2. If your talking about the Soprano's, then no. Just no.

    Other forums don't matter here.

    He does have a right to his oppinion, but in the chat topic..

    I had to criticize something today. And this is what came up.

  3. I LOVE HITLER /Sarcasm.. some of his quotes are quiet good.

    Your quote is very true though, Slavik.

    But, I can't figure mine out. Maybe someone saying/writing something that offends others.. then it says you don't have to look at it?

  4. Holy shit Sky! You're in more need of a trimming than I am. Though, my hair won't be trimmed anytime soon. I love my long sexy hair.

    The "cool" way to remove facial hair is super glue and notebook paper.

    Well, The girls like it.. and so do I.. unless I'm forced, it'll be a long time.

    Superglue and paper.. sounds fun.

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