Alright guys, enough with the insults. If you can't prove a point without using indecent language, then you shouldn't be trying. You say an opinion, so can the next person. Even if it's extremly offensive, there's no need to flame outside the warzone.
It's kind of scary thinking about it, we had a lockdown practice today (SUPPOSEDLY it was planned a week or two ago, what a coincidence... or.. was it?) and yeah.. I do feel for the families and such. It's just none of my business, I'm not a huge social person, I like to mind for my own things.
Thinking about it.... IF those people were my good friends and family, I hate it. I would go... pretty much off the deep end. Depending on the people. I suppose I'm saying close family and close friends or mates. Excommunication with once-loved ones is pretty hard, I couldn't imagine them being gone forever.