Alright, what about the chicken? If chicken weren't found after billions of years through evolving, it must of started with the chicken, not the egg. It might of started from bacteria and all that sorts of stuff.
Not really, just whatever egg..
Dinosaurs were all wiped out 0.0
And anyway if you are right, it means that the chicken will evolve again. I highly doubt that.
You have to record your stunt with Fraps while your replay is playing.
Go to the Stunting Section and look at the pinned posts for more help.
This post should be there also.
You should force everyone to put work on GTA IV! Use Bill Gate's fortune and spend all on researching the perfect GTA!\
WWYDI Your GF had a vagina that eats penises?
You are a..
Want to see who you are? You just gotta click on the flashing words for it to stop.
Post who you are...
Mine : You are a masturbating anthill who likes to find lesbians.