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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Yes so they aren't buying it yes i am so happy Jared tell Chris to post this in the news
  2. dammit stupid software that has to bought anyways dosn't matter anymore
  3. yeah i like how it gives a qoute of the reveiw of the game after the trailer
  4. yeah i wathced a vbideo about him ages ago but anyways there has been two calebritys i can think of so far angelina and madonna
  5. yes like ryan from canada he has made over 75,000 dollars in work and charitys so that he can fund a village in africa and now the village has a school and a well and a weel drilling machine
  6. i don't know i have only been here for 4 months
  7. yeah well that will continue to happen as long as rockstar keep making GTA
  8. i didn't know it had to be brought anyway can you get an older version for free
  9. yeah and why?? ... who knows .....it defiently isn't to give them a better life becuase if they wanted to do that they would give away some of the millions of dollars that they make every year.
  10. what was the point in that ??
  11. GTA History so..what do you think EDIT : why wont the godamn video show for f*** sake
  12. yes and where can i get a copy of it i would also like to make these sorts of things
  13. Come on magiie we love you maggie thacher thacher ooh yeah maggie honestly that was hilarious.... so........... maccer must come back.
  14. Sawnoff shotgun all the way man it has one shot kill when up close and it shot two bullets at one which like splatter everywhere and kills like 2 people who are close
  15. man if GTA 4 had snow like that i would be so happy
  16. yeah excatly every one in the family is effected
  17. Yes i know that is true, but still how would you like it if you were suddenly taken from your parents to a place you never heard about
  18. no idea never played vcs what was ryder looking for in his backyar when cj came over
  19. ken rosenberg how many rooms does madd dogs mansion have
  20. heavy metal touched your hearts ?? anyways don mclean - the day the music died metallica - whisky in the jar i know that wasn't metallica's song (slayer lol) but yeah i think it was awesome
  21. yeah and when Sal almost hit him in the nuts with the knife he said "ooooh you f***ing twat that was right in the happy sack"
  22. This is something that really pisses me off, firstly angelina jolie adopted a child from africa seperating her from her mother and then she has done it again two time but now it seems that it is the "cool" thing to do to have adopted childs from africa and 3rd world countrys which is bullshit, im sorry for the rant but it really annoys me what some of these celebritys do.
  23. your getting some serious buisness here Jared, well done
  24. yeah well ofcourse it did'nt they would have used a dummy
  25. hey that place looks awesome i guess gta4 wouldn't be too bad there
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