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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Well i don't know you too well but i guees al i can say is bye and live life to the fulliest dude BYE
  2. ok kewl can i have the 5 for 400 can i have 17,10,15,20,25 and congratualtaions MVC
  3. you will use the bat when the gang wars come around and you attack people if you are in a gang
  4. ok ciaran can i have the 3 for 225 and can i have 1, 12, 24
  5. I will be restarting up my lottery in a while
  6. No they won't merge. Think about it, both black holes would try to suck the matter that is so tightly within the other that it'd cause an explosion because of the force behind the two. Now it is possible that one would have more pull than the other, but I still don't think the outcome would be that good. With your logic the black holes would continuously, basically, suck each other in one another that would eventually cause an explosion...somewhat like the big bang. One would get sucked into the other that was sucked in first, sort of like if some one were to eat someone else alive and then having that person get eaten by the previously eaten person from the inside then it'd repeat. Now that isn't possible for two humans to do, but that's the best comparison I could make of what would happen with two black holes colliding. There also would be a chance of a black hole being within a black hole, which would suck in the matter that the outer black hole already sucked in, again later causing an explosion (Big Bang). wow thanks dude i never really knew that and i'm not being sarcastic i never knew it
  7. K9 Krew


    well just sorta a question for the guys here what do like more 1) Boobs 2) Legs 3) Ass
  8. Yeah that's true coz they are always so bad
  9. there aren't the best band but there best is definetly sugar were goin down
  10. so the colts won the superbowl??
  11. well i stapeled my forehead at school today
  12. Happy Birthday mate , have A GOOD ONE
  13. how is it that they get all the great next gen consoles before any country in the world yet they get sweet gta games 3 year late WIERED
  14. Wrong Area To Post This Don't Worry Lots Of People Have Done It http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9083
  15. Lee harding that guy ain't had no big hit's sinc what 2005
  16. hey i know that it's like a week late but happy birthday dude

  17. i'm watching a new episode of the simpsons on www.peekvid.com
  18. Will I be losign some of my money or anything like that? Say what? You'll be losing all the money you send to me. I'm not sending your money BACK to you.... Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of charging you for the weapons in the first place? yeah ps3 what ya talk about manb ya confusing yaself
  19. i mean out of the totall 3000 dollars i only take 250 so they are getting more than 75% but i just cant be bothere working it out
  20. man i wish i could make userbars i would have millions of them
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