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Everything posted by 940Turbo

  1. My favourite is the Doherty garage in SF, mainly because its a large garage there and the TF right across the street, and not far to WAA mod shop. Practical when installing new cars. I like SF also because of all the hills and stuff, hard to pinpoint but SF is the thing for me.
  2. Why do you need a NoCD-crack ????
  3. I tried to contact him but got no answer. I've seen on a site that it's VERY hard to get it to work correct, so I'll just continue asking around on forums.
  4. yes thats correct, but the game crashes when i choose the roofrack.
  5. this works good enough for me : W for throttle S for less throttle A and D pitch sideways UP arrow for dive DOWN arrow for up LEFT RIGHT arrows same as A and D
  6. Does anyone in here install the 1990 RangeRover and got the roofrack installed properly ?? I've tried so many times now, I'm almost sick of it, but the RR looks so good in game I want that to work. The "read me" file is in russian only and I dont understand a single bit of it. I've tried to translate it on different translation sites but ... well the words are english but some of doesn't make any sense at all. Here's the link to the car : RangeRover on gta worldmods If you can tell me step by step how to install the rack I would be VERY grateful. // Jonas
  7. Thanks mate ! Needed a kick in the butt to get the brain going Found a working Savegame here on GTAPlace, just needed to read ALL the words in downloads-section.
  8. Looks that way. But the Downgrader said that my version could be patched, maybe the downgrader doesn't work properly on some versions of V2.
  9. I have the same problem. After downgrading the game crashes when trying to load a V1 save game. Is there any 100% savgames made in V2 out there ??
  10. I just got the downgrader and game works fine, except that the 100% savegames doesnt work anymore. Is this a known problem or is it just me ??
  11. Ooops, I meant a -70 Challenger, that's what Viggo drives in that movie. I have a -70 Charger installed too You should check these sites : GTA Inside (over 1200 cars) GTA-Worldmods (over 1400 cars) I don't remember which one I downloaded the Charger from. GTA-worldmods are almost always quicker with new releases, and most of the cars on worldmods are also on GTAinside. So if you´re looking for a car check both sites ! And remember to check if there's more than one version of the car, there are in many cases several versions of the same model. Both sites have a search-function.
  12. OK thanks! I forgot to search, me stoopid
  13. Thanks, but I don't think I got any wiser now. I've downloaded a gxt-editor from GTATools.com, and there's only 2 windows and there's no menu choice "Add". In this editor i can only cut/paste/copy that's all. Do I need another editor? Which do you recommend in that case? // Jonas - 940turbo
  14. Can't someone just give me the original YARDIE-line ?? I need it very much, and don't want to reinstall the whole game again just for that line.
  15. i downloaded a nice Range-Rover 1990 with a roof-rack that can be installed at TransFender. The Read med file is not in english though, so can someone please help me with this part. It's about changing the parts name i TransFender I think. I have a GXT editor and have opened the american.gxt but I dont understand where to put in the new name. This is what the readme file says : "Äàëåå íàì ïîíàäîáèòñÿ ïðîãðàììà San Andreas GXT Editor. Îíà íåîáõîäèìà äëÿ ïðèñâîåíèÿ íàçâàíèÿ íàøåìó áàãàæíèêó. Ñêà÷èâàåì å¸ ñ ëþáîãî ñàéòà ïî GTA-òåìàòèêå, çàïóñêàåì. Òåïåðü èä¸ì â ïàïêó text êàòàëîãà ñ èãðîé, è îòêðûâàåì ôàéë american.gxt. Ïåðåä íàìè 3 îêíà, äâà ñëåâà è îäíî áîëüøîå ñïðàâà.  âåðõíåì ëåâîì îêíå âûäåëÿåì êàòåãîðèþ MAIN. Äàëåå â ìåíþ ïðîãðàììû "Çàïèñü" âûáèðàåì "Äîáàâèòü" è â ïîÿâèâøåìñÿ îêíå ïèøåì: ROOF_RR ÎÁßÇÀÒÅËÜÍÎ ÁÎËÜØÈÌÈ ÁÓÊÂÀÌÈ!!! ÎÊ, çàïèñü äîáàâèëè. Òåïåðü îòûñêèâàåì ýòó çàïèñü â íèæíåì ëåâîì îêíå (îíà áóäåò ïîñëåäíåé). Âûäåëÿåì ýòó çàïèñü îäèíî÷íûì êëèêîì ìûøüþ è â áîëüøîå îêíî âñòàâëÿåì ñëåäóþùèé òåêñò: Camel Trophy Roof Ïîòîì ìûøîé âûäåëÿåì ëþáóþ íàäïèñü â ëåâîì íèæíåì îêíå, äîëæíî íàïðîòèâ çàïèñè ROOF_RR îòðàçèòüñÿ Camel Trophy Roof Åñëè âû ïîëüçóåòåñü ïèðàòñêèì èëè ëèöåíçèîííûì ïåðåâîäîì, òî íà ýòîì âñ¸. Ñîõðàíÿåì èçìåíåíèÿ, è ìîæíî èãðàòü! "
  16. I still play because I'm not bored driving araound in all the cool cars I've installed......yet. For example, I take a -70 Charger and paint it white, get a 2 or 3 star wanted level then go out in the desert and play "vanishing point" ( the newer one with Viggo Mortensen), and stuff like that. And I'm totally obsessed with having all cars, trucks and bikes replaced with real vehicles, not just cool hot cars, but ordinary cars too. Guess I'll get bored doing this too, but not yet
  17. Can someone plz post the original handling.cfg file ? I accidentally messed mine up ( yes the backup also ) Or if you can it's enough with the YARDIE line.
  18. You need a IMG tool like "Spark" which I think is the easiest to use. Download Spark Then you have to edit the files mentioned in the READ ME file, use "Anteckningar" (notepad) It's very important to do that, the game may crash if you dont. Lycka till !! Skicka gärna PM om du undrar över nåt, klicka på mitt namn o välj Send message //
  19. It's the YARDIE handling line that messes the bikes up. If I follow the instructions that came with the car, the bikes freak out. If I install all files except the handling line, the bikes work fine, but when the car spawns it's blown up. It doesnt have a handling line so its really not that strange. Does anyone know if its possible to replace the Glenshit successfully ?? Should the handling line stay at the bottom of the page in the "old cars" section ?? Or is it some aother trick to it ?
  20. Does someone have the original handling line for the YARDIE (glenshit) ? I accidentally pasted and saved in my original file.
  21. So now I know whats causing my problem. Thought it would be interesting for you. I started to replace the cars all over again, but I started with some of the last cars I replaced last time. And there it was, a car I like very much, it was a 1970 Pontiac Lemans Scrapyard (glenshit replacement) I don't understand why it causes this but it was when I added that car the problem came back. Too bad, I really liked that car. EDIT : here´s a link to the car http://gta-worldmods.planet-multiplayer.de...;contentid=1315
  22. I've already tried that didn't work. I installed a Kawasaki Z1 1975. Then I installed original files from my backup, didn't work. Well I could always switch back to the original /model and /data folders, and begin all over again, but .... hmm.. I'm a little bit lazy. But if it's the only solution I'll do that. I will replace ALL Cars, trucks and most of the other vehicles, if I don't screw it up when I'm almost done everytime. This will be my third try
  23. I must have f_c_ed something up when editing the handling, carcols or vehicle data files. But I cant see whats wrong. All bike data seem fine. I even replaced the pcj600 just to see if I screwed those lines up, but it behaves the same way, but with a much nicer bike So it cant be the pcj600 lines that are wrong And I dont remember which car I replaced when it messed up, I didnt notice it right away, guess I replaced a few cars more before I noticed it.
  24. i guess you mean the sanchez? usually it leans in the corners and cj put out his leg, my sanchez doesnt do that. (Must be hard to drive a bike in a vertical position in corners ) It's like that all the time on the sanchez, and the pcj600 is invisible whenever I get on it, or anyone else gets on it, if its parked i can see it. here are rapid links: http://rapidshare.com/files/18193779/pcj600.avi.html http://rapidshare.com/files/18194209/sanchez.avi.html
  25. All I did was replacing some cars after I reinstalled the game. Nothing else. And I think you have to "rightclick and save as" to download the videos. I replaced the /data and /models with original, it works then. Hmmm, wonder which car made this happen?
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