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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. That made me laugh ... Have you played GTA 3 + Snow Mod ? The Snow mod had 17 Megabytes ... And it was fanmade, R* can do it 100x better with only 10x larger ( max 200 MB for snow )
  2. Man, I can`t believe you didn`t saw the movie 1 Night In Paris - it is a porno movie
  3. Wait a minute guys ... De Puta Madre means 1.My mom`s a bitch 2.Your mom`s a bitch 3.F**k your mother 4.F**k My Mother Or what ? I learnt at school that in the 1940s, Germany, Italy and Japan tried to concure the World ( The Rome - Berlin - Tokyo Axe )
  4. Silverio Da Silva es un gran Cabron ... uh ... no .... Maricon ))) I bet that he knows what these words mean Kiding Silverio ... Gycu Brun tiene big cojones ... )) =)) ) :D:D:D:D:
  5. ROFL!!! Probably the best so far ... Bad Penises 2 Big Momma`s Penis Death Of Mr. Penis ( Death Of Mister Lazarescu, Romania 2005 ) California Penis ( California Dreamin`, Romania 2006 )
  6. Well in the first post PaganGuru mentioned only movies ... So I guess only movies...
  7. Carmageddon 4 ( PC,XBOX and PS 2 ) was announced 4 years ago ... It should of been released in fall 2005 but it got delayed ... And now is rated as " Working Title " just like Max Payne 3 ... Man, I really loked the Carmageddon series, I only played Carma 2, I finished it without a single cheat and it was always a pleasure to play it, even tough released back in 1999 ... This topic is about Carma 4 ... ( expectations, estimated release date etc. )
  8. These are grapes, I tought in South America they got grapes
  9. Parazitii-Payback ( rap ) This song starts something like ( English Translation ) I supose you`re hearing me now ... Do you have a well paid job but you`re a loser ? Do you have personal interests and stealing from public money ? Everybody`s kissing your d**k `cuz you`re nothing but a 4 grade red-neck ? Do you get lots of money to record bad quality music ? You sucked d**ks for a music record ? Are you licking your boss` ass to become a smaller boss ? F**k you up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Actually Chile is *searching the Geography book*, found it, Chile is Chile is -4 GMT I`m +2 GMT So that means that in your country is 4:30 PM, right Jace ? Small Pics Of My High School Me too only that I can only eat them in Autumn ...
  11. 1. This is BS, I can make myself an email address like that ... [email protected] 2. Isn`t ADVERTISING forbidden in the forums ? 3. Are you sure ( nikoisthemajn ) that you didn`t made yourself that email address and you`re trying to sell it to us ?
  12. With only a few replies to my topic and I`ve already learned some new things about flags, especially from the US flag, I didn`t knew the 13 stripes symbolize the 13th colonies ...
  13. Hey ! Silverio, have you seen the new 3 artworks for GTA IV ?
  14. I have nVidia 7600 GS 256 MB but I recommend you to buy 7900 GS or better ...
  15. Coca Cola 6 - Pepsi 6 50%-50% It`s a tie `till now ...
  16. I haven`t played Max Payne 1 but I had a MP1 storyline review from Max Payne 2 ... For me GTA is 1st, Max Payne 2 the 2nd and Mafia - The City Of Lost Heaven is 3rd ... So is this coming for XBOX360 ? Or just PS3 and PC ? I hope it will run on my PC when released ... Every game/movie has a love story but this wasn`t just about Max & Mona, it was about revenge and finding the truth ... I wonder what`s gonna happen to poor Max now that all his friends are dead ... I hope he`ll find another girlfriend ))
  17. Found it, thx Jared ...
  18. American Penis 5 - The Naked Penis I, Penis Mr. Bean`s Penis Penis Hour 3
  19. The Romanian Flag Red - the blood spilled by our ancestors while defending this country from enemies Yellow - the grain/grane/corn etc. galore Blue - the beautiful water from this country ( Black Sea and Danube ) Sorry if I put this topic in the wrong section ... If so please move it where it belongs ...
  20. It is written ULTRA GAMES Pro on it, that`s the type from the magazine, bassically the PCs name, they have also ULTRA Graphics Vista, Ultrao Paladin etc. Bought my PC from ULTRA Pro Computers so all PCs from there are ultra The monitor is 4-5 years old and the cheapest mouse here is about 2 dollars also I think this mouse is more than 1-2 years-old ... Here is a pic of my PC
  21. From what I heard Remedy lost the rights to make Max Payne 3 and R* bought those rights so I think R* will start working on MP 3 after GTA IV is released ... My guess is that it will be released in November 2008 I also heard that Max Payne 2 had lower sales than they expected that`s why they didn`t made MP 3 by now ... Where did you head that Jared ? MP 2 was really good, one of my favorite games after GTA and just check out some gaming sites to see it`s ranking ( 9/10,9.4/10 etc ) So this is not a bad game after all ...
  22. Hey guys, have you seen the new 3 GTA IV artworks ?
  23. Yeah man I know that coke is better but you should try some heroin instead or some pot ...
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