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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. Cold Fear for PC, also Counter-Strike ...
  2. I also like the Steaua - Dinamo Derby from my country
  3. This is one of my best posts ever on TGTAP, I can`t believe how n00b I was back then ... Topic : Female Main Character In GTA IV You're a f*cking blidiot (Not a typo, Victor Vance said this to Lance) for thinking a female main character is plain sh*t. Your IQ is obviously low for you to be talking sh*t like that. You're a sexist asshole that's too scared to give it a chance playing with a hardcore female character. I think it's a low chance of happening but don't run your big mouth about sh*t you don't know. Also Rashon`s post almost made me leave TGTAP after only 4 days of joining ... Oh...What great memories ... Too bad for you guys I didn`t left TGTAP And the worst it is that he is RIGHT ... Sarcastic: Too bad Niko is not female EDIT : Here is another post ( actually it is a private message sent by .... few days after joining ) that almost made me leave TGTAP ... No one ever insulted me before `till I joined the forums ... The Forums Life Is Tough, I Know ...
  4. I`m sorry I wrote "Silverio" and not "Silberio" ?
  5. Well GTA 4 is not real life, is a game ... It could be the new BF Infection ... I don`t know but I guess that car can make much better turns than the average car can do ...
  6. Hahahah very funny ... Good Job Huckleberry Pie ! as always ... JT go
  7. Happy 666 Posts for Me
  8. There is a difference between killing real people and killing virtual people ... And I don`t think GTA is really a killing simulator ( as Jack T. said )
  9. Lamborghini vs. Ferrari Which cars are better ? The ones from Lamborghini or the ones from Ferrari ? I always like the cars Lamborghini made ... Especially Lamborghini Diablo SV Please post here -the favorite Lamborghini or Ferrari car ... -reason -vote the poll * If this topic belongs to the Fun & Games Section please move it there ...
  10. OMG!! Its illegal,damn Ive to get rid of 20gb worth of porn from my comp!!! Are you from India or what ? And 20 GB ? Damn you sick pervert :)
  11. El Clasico : Real Madrid - FC Barcelona This is a galactic war, no other rivals will ever beat this duo ... Worldwide at LEAST 1 billion people watch it Can something/someone else beat this ? Also the best match was probably in winter 2005, Barca won 3-0 ( match was played on Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid ) , the Real Madrid suporter praised Barca for this win ...
  12. Ombladon - Ultimul Tren ( translation: Last Train )
  13. Gycu

    Ask Gof

    Are you 33 years old ? ( seriously )
  14. Guys you should really stop bumping old topics ... This topic was created more than 3 years ago ...
  15. The youtube vid kokane linked to above will give you a taste of Eastern European hiphop/rap type music, one of the radio stations in GTA IV has this sort of stuff. Oh and Silberio on the last page you said something about beer being made from apples, I think you may be getting confused with cider - cider is made from apples Right now I'm gonna go grab a Bud and take a pic of the label so you can see the ingredients I will translate the song`s name for you Parazitii - Noapte Buna Bucuresti = Good Night Bucharest , and as always Parazitii , describe all the bad parts of this country ( corruption/drugs etc. ) And that song is a romanian hit, I hope it will be in GTA IV
  16. PS 4 will be 99% released after XBOX 720
  17. Jace Silverio these are Jace & Silverio Silva
  18. It`s been a while since I haven`t made a topic in this section ... I won`t be playing GTA 4 on any console ( only the PC version, IF ... ) but for the guys who will ... I also know that R* said they will keep multiplayer easy But let`s imagine what type of MP they could include ... Here are some posted by someone on other forum, I found these ideas very good ... And now here are mine : 1. CheckPoint Boat Races on LC waters ( from a magazine I heard they improved boat driving ) 2.Heli Races ( CheckPoint type ) - just like the boat races 3. Hand-to-hand kombat -> everybody for himself ( who kills most is the winner ) fighting with no guns, just fists/legs/bats etc ... ( location : only one neighbourhood or a big building ) [*] As always I apologize if this topic is a copy ... [*] Post your own MP ideas here, comment on mine and on others ...
  19. GTA is not the first next-gen game with very detalied snow in it ... Or is it ?
  20. The Next one must be GTA SA + Hot Coffee Mod Spoof
  21. thanx I'm Romanian Si eu I tought you are from England or USA ...
  22. I think it was confiremd that More traffic during day time and less during the night ... Also more/less depending on the location ... And yes, traffic jams - cool idea ...
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