On Friday afternoon, my teacher went smoking shit. She started frolicking off the walls. She started eating all of our homework. Our lab teacher walked in and, believe it or not, he started going crazy!
We decided that our gym teacher could handle them, so we ran high to the gym. He wasn't there! He walked out of the teacher's lounge with coffee and took 13 of drinks and went crazy. We wanted to find out what was in the coffee.
We sent Spaz into the lounge. He saw scary things in there and finally brought out the coffee, drank it, and went wild. Our math teacher screamed very high and ran very wet to the office. Chris thought that the motherfucking school had gone mad.
Suddenly, bright green snowflakes tumbled down. A drunk fairy shit said she could help. We killed back to our room and the teacher was still going crazy. Then dirty things started flying. And suddenly, everything was back to normal. We will never know what was in the coffee.