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Everything posted by TOXIC

  1. Not exact, but I still remember something : Hey, who are you....eh? Eh, not the face! not the face !...ohhhh I speak !
  2. TOXIC

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    -Available For PC from Day 1 Pretty much more, haven't played GTA4 so can't tell what to include/exclude in the next
  3. In a Crate On the train to Yellow Bell station? or whatever was it called ?
  4. TOXIC

    Lol Nice Sig ;)

  5. Here : 1) AvY : [img=http://img37.picoodle.com/img/img37/4/6/30/f_MelAvym_cd7c6da.png] 2) Sig : [center][img=http://img37.picoodle.com/img/img37/4/6/30/f_MelSigm_5521fa3.png][/center] Hope you like it
  6. Cheers [center][img=http://img29.picoodle.com/img/img29/4/6/24/f_DSfinalm_45de16a.png[/center]] And oh yeah, any word on Avatars?
  7. Ok, got it, thanks...btw, here's the code to ease things up.. [img=http://img29.picoodle.com/img/img29/4/6/23/stuntox/f_Sigspicopym_f6fc68c.png]
  8. TOXIC


    Spiders? I haven't encountered the big ones yet, probably I won't find them here, ever. And I don't fear cockroaches !, I've learnt to Disect them, at my Bio- practicals...pwn3d the six legger [no way I want to harm the animal / anyone's feelings], the foul smell of their inner bodies can fuck your nose, I felt like puking when I was given an already shitsome specimen. Well, there was a topic called "Fears", months back @ TGTAP and I said if you accept the reality, you won't be fearing practically, anything. Well there are somethings, like when I think I ate something from a crappy restaurant who don't use clean water, the THOUGHT of growing of organisms in my stomach, mouth, whatever...makes me
  9. @ RunNGun: 5 atm and actually, LOLWUT ?

  10. Well, as promised, here's my try... Hope you like this...
  11. @ Vice : Lol, I sent you a message....lemme post it here
  12. Avatars.... Made 3 in 100 x 100...tell me if you still need/insist on 64 x 64.. Working on sigs...I'll add Any details if you got any Ideas
  13. ^that happens a lot of times, just before entering a safe house, a damned Rustler crashed into me... Crashing Rustlers are common
  14. If you have a Console, I say go for the GTA 4....atleast who can play, should play, AFA GTA 4 is concerned *Cries on not having the console*
  15. Whats so surprising to " " LOL H. B'Day...Every one Deserves Cheers... Hope your in the Pink of health...
  16. TOXIC

    U joined two days ago...

    Look at your Profile Views ....lol 244 OMG !!

    Welcome to TGTAP

  17. yeah yeah ! I won't rap this time, I dunno why its shitty... Happy Birthday. Here's a cake I made within a minute [Not copied from anywhere] i_i_i_i_i_16_i_i_i_i_i_i L L L L L L L L L L L L L (O O O O O O O O O ) [ L L L L L L L L L L L ] __-__-__-_-_
  18. Welcome to TGTAP. I'll suggest you use TXD Workshop or IMG Tool Plus, If you want to know whether the mod is installed or not, or how the modified thing looks like...go for GTA Garage Mod Manager [GGMM] Hope that helps you. If you're unaware of using any/ all of these softwares/applications, don't try them by yourself or you'll land up messing it all up; so just ask in here.
  19. ^He is a Lawyer who meets Tommy Vercetti for the first time in the '80s, eventually becoming his Lawyer and a good friend [Wears a pink pastel suit]
  20. Mauja Hi Mauja (Hindi) [by Mika Singh]
  21. Yeah TM, I got your point; But its just that it feels sad when anyone whose closer, leaves. And yeah, maybe they want to live in 'better way' as they presume it, perspective thing I guess.
  22. *Confused* You'll know in the News what I did What If you get a chance to Fuck your Best friend's GF ?
  23. GTA SA Gameplay and help... Same for VC.. GTA SA Trivia I mean Broadly, GTA SA and VC The Lounge ofc and sometimes Serious Chat
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