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Everything posted by TOXIC

  1. I got confused...? I suppose you need a mod to modify any one of the cars in SA....? Pick any of the Mods available from TGTAP itself... If you need help with installing any mod...just let us/me know... Hope you pick a nice one from the link above
  2. Thanks.....a lot @Chris...thanks for the concern man
  3. Nah...Not that...there used to be an application with a gray background...It showed the actual in game model of vehicles and weapons...they could rotate and stuff....hope you got me. I'm looking for that
  4. @Spider-Vice :

    Umm hmm?

    and you are?

    Btw, nobody actually Flamed nobody, we both were suffering from an assholic Phase I suppose...but clouds are clear now I think..

  5. Excuse me but there used to be a .txd file viewer with a gray background and all, for the PC. In the Downloads section, there's a one for PS2 but not for PC. For quick access here's a link to the Downloads : Tools And no results on using the search option here. Can anyone tell me whether its been removed by author or some problem or what? Plz suggest an alternate link if possible. Thanks.
  6. yeah...Garfield and all is ok...but i didn't ask anything....a Hi anyways pal

  7. TOXIC

    Nice sig dude

  8. The last rampage probably yields an amount more than the regular pattern of rewards, like the last unique stunt pays off a sum of $10,000 instead of $3600...I ain't sure about rampages, but it seems that way...
  9. Hell-o again...

  10. Yeah now I gotcha....I helped you with lowrider Hydraulics mission..and so ok...I got u...hope to see you soon

  11. Ryder...the voice suits the character and goes along so well... " 'coz I'm a genius,...OH yeah..." "watch the road motherfucker, the road !" "Say what smoke, all you managed to do was eat my damn food up !" "Its damn weekend soldiers, ain't no match for Grove St. OG's" "yeah you always down CJ, except when you're not here" "Lemme check ma'self, am I dead?" @ the Well Stacked Pizza Co. : "Oh no Ryder, not you again" And Ryder says "It ain't me fool !""
  12. Because He couldn't find you lol.... Seriously, 1) He bitched about Carl's Mom, her death, and carl's sister 2) He had been treating Carl as a bitch-shit since he came back home... Next Q: How many member's of CJ's family have been mentioned in the game ? Name them.
  13. Wrong Place to post this pal....Please Read rules and find Appropriate place to post that....For nstance, such a thing should go here... Here IMO..
  14. Not yet don't expose your GF as u call that thing in your sig
  15. {Sorry for the bump.....Since I couldn't resist} 1) Accuracy.....either more or less......depending how you did 2) Least Favorite Gang stats 3) If possible and quick, you can collect the weaponry ammo from dead meat gangstas' 4) Police records...and similar stuff in the stats
  16. I just d'loaded now....works fine here though...I hope your PC configuration is not the hurdle... Try altering camera speed/ Cam fly speed Or try turning frame limiter on / off [Or try an earlier version instead...]
  17. Are u the Same Dame? if yes...Then hello boy...

    If no....a hello anyways...good to see ya..

  18. TOXIC


    Damn ! I replied to you in that topic ! Anyways, here it is , my reply in that topic...
  19. Well, I suppose you should have made a new topic for your problem, so that if anyone helps/ wants to help you,the confusion of topics will be prevented. Anyways, PROBABLY you don't have to modify the vehicles.ide, because the info in the .txt is about carcols.dat and carmods.dat. So if you got your carcols changed as it says, do the same for carmods.dat [the info to be pasted in original carmods.dat is also provided]. ADVICE- backup everything that you attempt to modify. Hope this helps you mate.
  20. So, I think, keeping FL on gives you 'less' height than normal.
  21. You're A Perfect learner IMO... Making me Jealous lol...Keep it up... After all its your 'will'power lol and @ JayD :Yes, keeping frame limiter off prevents those laggy clips which people usually complain about in Vice City .reps
  22. FUCKIN' AWSOME I don't believe my eyes that you could do that....I announce you're FAR better than me.. Well, this makes me see your next vid., so I'm off to that topic.....one of your best works till yet, keep stuff coming One more thing.. Yes, I do. Thats not uncommon, Sometimes a .rep file when played in SA, shows a vehicle with some parts absent...nothing wrong with that one..
  23. It'll make things simpler if you can just upload and post a screen shot here... Hope you get helped soon..
  24. Loly poly roly...leave it... Well, I wonder why didn't anyone say what I think? God Of War 1 and 2 both of course If anyone wants an uplift inspiration, here
  25. IMO, the topic was NOT TO tell, what you consider as your Nationality, BUT TO tell us HOW AND WHY.
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