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Everything posted by little_homer

  1. He deserves to be treated like that. Lol cool pick.
  2. Reinstall didnt work. How do i get the pc specs.
  3. Hey all. I got my san andreas and installed to my computer. It runs fine but when i installed it to my friends pc the peds all almost invisible. Only some parts of them aappear.
  4. Heh. You guys all pros so you dont need help. BTW this thing is free.
  5. LoL this funny. In the mission where ryder follows you i put the flying cars cheat and flew to the big building in ls. The i spawned a quad and drive off from the building. Then i landed on my head and died. But ryder stayed alive and started to run around my body. But then he got hit by a police car because i had 4 stars.
  6. kick your muthafukin ass bak to where ever the **** you come from WWYDI I kill you and throw you in to the sea and the fis would eat your limbs?
  7. I would go grazy! WWYDI im jack thompson
  8. Sorry guys i cant get the stunts ready because ive been busy at school. Tests and all. Maybe next time i gould participate.
  9. LoL im rated to 1 star. Who did that.

  10. Lol i love back to the future. Brings back some memories.
  11. Ok so i decided to do this kinda topic. Here is my cats Huli and Nelli And here is my dog Vili
  12. fack u tommi fackin fackin fack joke
  13. Woot woot im trying to do a big spam think.
  14. woot woot 121 posts. I forgot to post when i had 100 posts.woot woot woot
  15. Wow... better stunts than mine. N00b guestion
  16. Do i have to send the savegame? Because my cj is just normal and the skin doesnt matter.
  17. Ok... Heh stupid guestion. When you say skin do you mean bike skin? Because i havent got a modded bike.
  18. Hey is there a time limit when the stunts have to be ready? Because im at holiday and i can start doing stunts at tuesday. And where do i send the stunts?
  19. Hey i could join. But im not sure if i have good stunts.
  20. I would join but u said i am not good at stunting. :bashhead:
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