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Everything posted by little_homer

  1. I beleive there is other life in space.If i could see it with my own eyes..
  2. Formula ferrari kimi räikkönen (because he is from finnish) football Arsenal NHL anahiem ducks
  3. Why are you elite you got only 66 posts.

  4. Who the f*** are you?

  5. Im going to stokholm in sweden. We are going there in a cruise ship.
  6. I was in digg and found two articles http://kotaku.com/gaming/virginia-tech/bre...ames-252702.php http://www.gamestooge.com/2007/04/16/dr-ph...tech-shootings/ Why do we have to blame games?
  7. Nice... i could olso do parkour but now my leg is broken.
  8. Creative muvo or something 256kb But i use my phone to listen to music 2gb
  9. I saw the trailer, i think im gonna watch it.
  10. 25/07/1995 getting 12 in july..
  11. Mostly graphigs because if there is a game with stick figures and guns look like crap i aint playing it.
  12. Never seen a pirates of the caribean movies. Maybe is should watch that.
  13. NOO! I f this is true i cant do any airplane accidents like is san andreas.
  14. I would like a style 12 for my sig. I send the money when its ready.
  15. Va te faire foutre. Je ne vous aime pas aller sucent votre lol de Dick de papas f*** you. I dont like you go suck your dad dick
  16. Avy: 10/10. Wish i could do animations. Sig: 7/10. Im not a anime fan but a great looking sig. Person:Dont know you too good.
  17. Im playing call of duty 3, i just bought it and im playing it like a crazy (im always crazy when i get a new game)
  18. I think ps2 because you can play it with bigger screen, but i dont know havent played with psp...
  19. Blaah i dont think this is true. Why would rockstar lie to us.
  20. Im not a big fan of dance music but this is a good song.
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