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Everything posted by Carlsberg

  1. yes, indeed i made him lcf sig btw wu zi mu you are losing your customers!
  2. wow thats a lot of games btw i just purchased VCS!
  3. hi and welcome to the gtaplace

  4. to unlock diaz's missions we have to finish guardian angles! to kill diaz( get him) we have to finish rubout!
  5. works fine for me! you need to see your system configurations
  6. Carlsberg


    uhh....looks like you lost the cd! mammuc yes like silberio said its AGAINST THE RULES EDIT: i thought you didn't understand silberio's English mammuc!
  7. dr.pepper is good but pepsi rules!
  8. shakedown what car is inside the north point mall?
  9. where can i find nice backgrounds for user bars?
  10. hey i just buyed F.E.A.R very cool but scary
  11. ok! thanks, you were my first customer!
  12. thats 25$ and the code http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u195/ra...sabre_turbo.jpg
  13. OK dude, no problem! tell me if it has to be animated!
  14. lol i just used the tool which is in the animation bar!
  15. dude update your profile !


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