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Everything posted by Carlsberg

  1. or maybe u are using your radio nearby!
  2. advance gta! just kiddin! gta San Andreas
  3. i expected that but thought the title would be open till the last match!
  4. uhh....huh....sorry i didn't know that! anyway first name i don't think so!
  5. where do you get pictures for userbars? i mean the correct size!
  6. hiiiiii! dude wassup?

  7. welcome all new members!!!!
  8. agar maina thera application apna gang list meh dhekaa hota to samja jatha!

  9. cool! i didn't know that!!!!

    lol.....saleh pahleh kyun nahi bataaya!!!

  10. hey dude where are you from???


  11. You're right Ram, if only our gang would beat up Hilton... Check out my GTA/Paris photoshop joke... WOW...thats looks so realistic! You sure are a pro in PS!
  12. well i don't believe it!!

    whats your real name?

  13. uh...why did you change your DN?

    btw if i try to change it it says some error!

  14. i like it too! just wondering how many minutes it would have taken him to write the whole thing!
  15. dude where are you living?

    i mean the country?

    anyway, if you want some userbar contact me!

  16. hey dude hows life???

  17. what the hell?!?!?!?!? and when did i tell you yo post that!?!?!? btw heres my real gfx for GF--- [IMG=http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u195/ram_magnus/god.jpg] @That will be 250$ and if you like it pay wu-zi-mu!
  18. AWEsOME guy---you are an awesome idiot!
  19. ^^^BIGGEST SPAMMER IN THEGTAPLACE^^^ hey dude i have the same problem...everytime i start vc cam hack my comp stops responding!
  20. III is way better then II! i agree with jared...it has something for everyone!
  21. well...uhh...its...tough... euro football and cricket! I M A MANU MANIAC
  22. hey wu-zi-mu if you want i could make it for godfather n your behalf! i make gfx for fun not money!
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