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Everything posted by 2003

  1. I've beaten Vice City like 4 times.
  2. Well lets look into Carcer City, Its obviously based off Detroit since Detroit is a poor, Crime filled city which Carcer City seems to be.
  3. It's at least gonna give us clues as to what location it's using. We'll just have to analyze the hell out of it to fine key landmarks and shit. That or it will tell us what city its going to take place in. And post 200.
  4. All that happened today is that i fell out of my chair.
  5. Hell yeah it would, And i'm like 99.9% sure it has ghettos.
  6. Well i'm playin' Grand Theft Auto: 3 and drivin' around doing Drive-Bys while listening to Double Cleff FM is fun.
  7. Jar City: Toronto is also a Global City and over 1 million people live there. Alot of them immigrants.
  8. Don't forget about the Mafias of Tokyo, China: Tokyo, Japan and the Redneck thugs of Berry: Boise GTAPlayer. And of Course we have to talk about Toronto which could be called like Jar City. Sorry but that was the best name i could come up with for Toronto. But remember that they got Yardies, Yakuza, Middle eastern gangs, Italian Mafia and i belive Russian Mafia. And snow too GTAPlayer.
  9. Why thank you again, Moscow has a shit load of crime and is VERY dangerous at night.
  10. Yeah i do, Borislav, Russia is what Moscow could be called.
  11. Why thank you. But instead of Nice, France being called Nice it could instead be called Ambre, France. Heres some pics of some citys that people want most recently.
  12. Nah no one would do that. And i got an idea, If gta 4 takes place in Madrid it could be called Las Pedro.
  13. I don't think people would make fun of it by callin' it New Tuna GTAPlayer. But it could take place there, Or San Alberto: Mexico City, Or Berry: Boise, Or Tokyo, China: Tokyo, Japan, Or Carcer City: Detroit. Those are all good palces for gta 4.
  14. Yeah thats the best Rap song ever .
  15. Yeah i don't want it to be Glasgow. But another good location is Sydney, Australia its HUGE and it could be called like New Luna.
  16. Well those are all fine locations. But its up to Rockstar Games.
  17. Just because we have had a game that took in "San" Andreas and "San" Fierro dosen't mean we can't use it again. In real life there is a shit load of citys that start with "San".
  18. Maybe Mexico City can be called San Alberto.
  19. Exactly, Boise has The rich areas and the poor areas that are filled with Meth labs and drug dealers and Rednecks who Commit crimes and punks who rob 7-11 stores and the KKK. Is that a good enough location for gta 4 GTAPlayer?
  20. And they got Trailer Park Ghettos in Idaho!
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