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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Whoa man, this is sure interesting. Things Will Be Different eh, I'm pretty damn sure they're talking about the gaming experience and all, but could also mean that GTA IV could be nothing like we've seen it before, maybe it's going to be an MMO game? Now that would certainly be something different you know. Anyway man, not long until the trailer is out, probably going to watch it a couple of hundred, or more.
  2. Yeah, maybe so, but I wouldn't mind, but this time with snow of course.
  3. Well there are coming some great games for PS3 later, just wait until MGS4 is out, the biggest reason right now that I'm getting a PS3, but also heard rumors that it's coming for Xbox 360, but according to Konami they have no plans to bring it to the Xbox 360. And yeah, I heard about that, I heard alot about that, it doesn't even make any noise which is fantastic man.
  4. Yeah man, that's true, you can either go in front of someone, or behind someone and grab them with your bare hands, beat them up a little bit, that's it. I'm pretty damn sure there's going to be a much more advanced system in GTA IV. And about that homies can drive, I think that's a great idea man, I'm not saying you should do that all the time, and it could also work in some missions, you could be the one popping the enemy with the uzi instead of driving, or let's say that a helicopter is after you, your homie drives, you have the rocket launcher and your mission is to blow the chopper, this is just some examples you know. You should be the one driving the most, but I think it could work great in some missions. Oh yeah, wind of course, we've seen some newspapers and all go around the streets by the wind, or when driving a bike you see the clothes flickering a little, but yeah I hope to see more in GTA IV.
  5. Sounds great man Nice work! Yeah man, it's always good to have some extra you know. BTW, welcome to the forums!
  6. Credit Cards? Hehe I don't think we should move GTA to that level
  7. Yeah man, you should definitely watch Miami Vice (the series). These are also pretty damn good when you're in the GTA mood: Carlito's Way Scarface The Godfather The Departed Reservoir Dogs Beverly Hills Cop (collection) The French Connection To Live and Die in L.A. Menace II Society Boyz n the Hood New Jack City Gone In 60 Seconds Pulp Fiction Bullitt 48 Hrs Return to Macon County Taxi Driver
  8. Philadelphia would be great man. Did you also know that Carcer City is speculated to be based on Newark, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, or Cleveland?
  9. Yeah it's a good price when you think about what you get, Blu-ray and all shit. But it might be the price you know, or maybe the games, right now there really isn't much interesting games on the market, well IMO, but of course, there are coming better games later.
  10. Hey man, go down the beach or something, dive into the water, when your breath is about to run out, go up and wait until you're ready, then go and dive again, do that a couple of times. Edit: Oh and it might take some time you know but don't give up, good luck
  11. Yeah man, but we really can't say anything right now, I don't mean that we're not allowed to speculate a little, I'm just saying, it really depends on the location and everything.
  12. Yeah man, I want snow, but I rather see a city like Mexico City than Vegas, know what I'm saying. I've never said it snows in Mexio City, I'm just saying that there are still good locations for GTA IV even without snow. But yeah man, most of all, I want a location that has snow, like Moscow.
  13. Well I'm playing VCS at the moment, and yeah man, 3rd time I'm forgetting to save.
  14. Dammit man, nothing is wrong with it, it's just that... I don't want Vegas again, it's been too much Vegas lately. I want something fresh man, know what I'm saying. I hope for something like Carcer City, Mexico City, Moscow and all that shit... Yeah man.
  15. Alright man, only six days left until the trailer is out. We've been checking out the past GTA trailers, and those were fine, more than fine, so yeah man I hope this trailer will show as much as the past trailers, and I'm pretty damn sure it's going to be great.
  16. We've already had Las Venturas in SA, remember? And yeah I know, just because Las Venturas was in SA doesn't mean it wont come back again, sure I'm not saying it's not a possibility, but I doubt it will happen you know, and personally I don't want something like Vegas again.
  17. Yeah man I was thinking something like that too when I was doing the missions, I mean it's not a big deal you know, but I'd like to see a feature in GTA IV that makes you able to give orders to your friends so they can drive instead of you.
  18. Well I've been jogging today. Been playing some VCS, yeah man, unfortunely this is the 3rd time I'm forgetting to save, hehe, well I can only laugh. But the day is far from over so yeah man.
  19. Yawn... Blablablablabla... Oh shit... This is really getting boring.
  20. Manila would not suck, I'm sure it could work as a pretty damn good location for GTA IV, thanks o.g for the pictures, I like them, real nice.
  21. Yeah man, I like the idea that your homies can drive, not bad.
  22. I think there is one in Prawn Island, you know the big film studio? There should be one behind it, near the water, there's a little entrance to the loading platform, should be a Sea Skimmer down there.
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