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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Yeah just found out So the Malibu Club did exist in 1984, it's just that the sign isn't there.
  2. Man that sounds awesome, that's exactly what I've been saying man, if GTA turns MMO that would be great, but of course even better if they also have the regular one player mode, oh man. If it's going to be an MMO then Things Will Be Different explains pretty much. But yeah, it's just a rumor, a lot of people have been saying that they have a family member working for R* and all, but we'll see, only 1 day left until the trailer is out
  3. Yeah man, it must feel pretty damn low when you already have one. Edit: It's official, Microsoft announced today that the Xbox 360 Elite will come shipping with a 120 GB HDD, HDMI input, HDMI cable, Xbox LIVE Headset and a wireless controller on April 29th US, and it's all going to be in black color. The price will land on $479.99 US. Unfortunely it's not going to be built on 65nm CPUs and no mention about the IPTV-feature and no WiFi. Also, the Xbox 360 Elite will not be limited, but it's going to be treated as another SKU. For more information check out this website --> Xbox 360 Elite <-- Well it sounds pretty good, but I was really hoping for 65nm CPUs.
  4. Hey man, well I've searched the Download section on this website and unfortunely I couldn't find any police car like that one, but hey man, you can still find some really nice cars around here. If you're not satisfied, then check out this website Vice City Police Car Models, that file contains five police car models. Good luck man.
  5. Yeah TFY765, that'd be great you know, but I don't think real cars is going to happen. Anyway man, snow is something I've wanted for a long time you know, I hope we're getting it this time. And I'm not sure about real time you know But real disasters sounds pretty damn good, like Tornados, yeah man that'd be pretty damn nice.
  6. Listening to Shirley Bassey - Diamonds Are Forever, the one in the James Bond movie.
  7. Alright man, I'm sure many of you already know that there's coming a new Xbox 360, ok not new but upgraded Xbox 360 which is going to be called "Xbox 360 Elite". So what's new about this one? Well it will feature a 120 GB HD, have HDMI input, the case and everything will all be in black color, it will also run cooler than the regular Xbox 360s, althought it's not yet confirmed if it's going to have the new 65nm processor, but hopefully it will. And many have been talking about an internal HD-DVD player, but that's unfortunely not going to happen. And the Xbox 360 Elite will also be limited. Anyway man, someone has managed to get some screenshots of the new Xbox 360 Elite in production, looks pretty damn good to me, take a look at this website --> Xbox 360 Elite Spied Photos. Edit (March 28, 2007): It's official, Microsoft announced today that the Xbox 360 Elite will come shipping with a 120 GB HDD, HDMI input, HDMI cable, Xbox LIVE Headset and a wireless controller on April 29th US, and it's all going to be in black color. The price will land on $479.99 US. Unfortunely it's not going to be built on 65nm CPUs and no mention about the IPTV-feature and no WiFi. Also, the Xbox 360 Elite will not be limited, but it's going to be treated as another SKU. For more information check out this website --> Xbox 360 Elite <-- Also, check out these live hands-on pics of Xbox 360 Elite. Well it sounds pretty good, but I was really hoping for 65nm CPUs.
  8. Hey HCK George, TFY765, I hope you both will stay here for a while, and I'm sure you will have a great time here man. Man we should start serving drinks here you know *Gives both of you something to drink, something exotic* Sit back, relax and enjoy.
  9. Nice TFY765, I've also moved up to Hitman. And Rashon125, shit, Don of all Liars, not good, but yeah, I know what you're saying man. Oh and BTW, welcome to the forums TFY765.
  10. Man, GTA IV is going to be AMAZING. And the engine you're all talking about, it's called RAGE It's almost here
  11. Alright man, great news for Sony then Looks like they're doing pretty well, and the good games hasn't even been released yet.
  12. I know you didn't say they would do it, I didn't even say you said something like that. Yeah man, if they wanna do it then I guess there's nothing that can stop them you know. But things has been great so far so I don't think they're going to have real car names.
  13. Yeah alright man, I guess I was wrong on that one then.
  14. Still playing VCS, popping red balloons, it's just great how much value this game has, even if you have beat all the main missions there's still plenty to do. Popping balloons, collecting cars, street racing, empire missions etc, it will keep you satisfied for a long time you know.
  15. Nah man, I think R* are satisfied with the way it is you know.
  16. Yeah man, the trailer is great. Portable Ops is one of big reasons why I'm getting a PSP, and the online play seems great you know. And yeah man, I've heard about the cards, to me it sounds a little bit boring you know, Acid 1 and 2 doesn't really appeal to me that much you know.
  17. Oh yeah, it's going to be fantastic, you can tell that just by looking at the trailers. Hideo Kojima have so much more freedom now when they're working with the PS3 system, allowing him to do more with the MGS-series. Currently release date is Q4 this year you know. Anyway man, speaking of MGS, have you tried any of the PSP-versions? MGS Acid, MGS Acid 2 and Portable Ops? Heard Portable Ops is great man, here's a video of Portable Ops:
  18. Well I don't see it as something interesting you know, but it could work of course. Anyway man, R* knows what they're doing and all, I'm sure it's gonna be great no matter what.
  19. Way to go tough guy Anyway man, yeah VCS is easier than VC, maybe it's because VCS was first released on the PSP.
  20. Real car names is not going to happen man, and I'm glad, I like the way it is you know. I really hope there will be some kind of online play you know. Then you could customize your own character from the scratch, start your own gang or something, even your own maps would have been great. There's many possibilities you know.
  21. Watching a Twilight Princess trailer on YouTube, a game that I'm so eager to play, oh man...
  22. Alright man, 2 damn days left, it's almost here, can't wait. I've never been this excited for a trailer, never.
  23. Alright man, I understand your excitement and everything, but this is not the real GTA IV trailer, and the game in that trailer is Driver Parallel Lines, a game from Atari that was released in early 2006. The real GTA IV trailer wont be out until this Thursday.
  24. Yeah man, MGS4 is going to be PS3 exclusive and it's not coming to the Xbox 360, according to Konami. But you never know, it might come out on Xbox 360 after when the PS3-version has been around for a while, wouldn't surprise me you know. But atm, it's PS3 exclusive.
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