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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Yeah, Cro? What you got? Know of any good City in Europe?
  2. Well yeah man, you're right about one thing Cro, it's been pretty damn much 70s and 80s lately, it would be nice to see GTA IV in present time, hopefully R* thinks the same way. Well any new location? I'm a little bit slow atm, but we've been talking about alot of places you know... Still, Moscow is what I hope for, but we'll see.
  3. Yeah I know what you're saying 2003 Well I guess I can't help it you know Edit: Well we haven't talked about everywhere... I'm sure there's more but right now I'm a little bit gone if you know what I mean... So yeah man, let's just relax and see if we can come up with anything new, know what I'm saying.
  4. Still living in the 80s? I wish, but it's 2007 now Anyway man, I had no idea about that you know... That's nice.
  5. Yeah a little bit hehe... Well, it's a good idea you know, I wouldn't mind that the day goes a little bit slower... But sleeping and everything, I don't know man, I'm not sure if that's GTA... But yeah, maybe you could have the option to sleep when you need to recover, you know from a fight or something. Oh yeah.
  6. That's not bad 2003 Not bad at all... Real fresh.
  7. Glenn Frey - You Belong To The City, oh man when I listen to this song it's like it's all true.
  8. Maybe this sounds a little bit The Sims heh, but I thought I could mention it anyway. How about if you have an apartment, and you could use your phone to order pizza and all, that'd be pretty damn nice, you know on those days when you don't feel like going out or something. I don't know about that idea but it would sure be funny you know, maybe too realistic, I don't know man. Oh oh oh, and Cro, great idea man, i like it.
  9. Yeah that's right ps3 player. Yeah I use cheats, but I prefer not to use them, only when I've beated the game or something like that. I mean, if you're playing a mission and it suddenly hits you, "oh I forgot, I don't have a gun, what I'm gonna do", know what I'm saying, then there are Ammu*Nation shops you can go to, I mean what do you think they are for? Anyway man, been playing a little bit and now my rating is Drop Man
  10. Agree on that point ps3 player, Tokyo would be damn nice. Anyway man, oz, what are you talking about man? Edit: When I looked up Oz, I found out that it's a fantasy region, look here wikipedia
  11. Sounds like a fckn good idea man, and damn, had no idea you could order pizza on the phone in Saints Row, nice. Well yeah, I hope you can do pretty damn much with the cellphone, well of course if it's going to have cellphones.
  12. Hehe yeah agree Palermo isn't such a bad location for a game like GTA, and just think about the italian mobsters and all, would be awesome you know. And let's say you could have your own pizza restaurant
  13. Yeah like "Hey man, I need some backup, fast dammit" etc, yeah that's a good idea man.
  14. Oblivion is a masterpiece, I love that game, especially if you have the right specs to run it on PC, but the Xbox 360 version is great too, the PS3 version is also coming (or maybe it's already out), man I'd love to have it on the PS3. Right now I'm playing VCS.
  15. I was just messing a little Cro Italy, when I think about Italy I think about the best food in the world. I love italian food, oh yeah. Oh yeah, Siciliy is a good idea ArtSweet, I'd love it to take place somewhere in Italy, like Sicily, Palermo, look at this picture of Palermo, enjoy.
  16. Yeah, well the olympic games has nothing to do with GTA, and I can't say anything more than that but I know what you mean Gycu. Anyway man, Beijiing is a great place. Edit: Oh and Cro, hehe, you're not saying you want to call it Oprah City
  17. Man I've got no idea, maybe like you said, because Manhunt 3 is in development.
  18. Well today I've been taking it a little bit easy, but went out jogging for an hour this morning. I've been cleaning tha house a little bit, yeah man, you know, doing a little stuff a little bit of everywhere...
  19. Sydney? Yeah we've already been talking about it you know, but Sydney is a damn nice place you know... 2003, what did you call Sydney again? Edit: New Luna... That's right.
  20. Thanks man, well yeah I know it's not a big deal and everything, but I thought it could add some more realism and everything. I really liked it in Driv3r and Parallel Lines. Edit: Especially now with the next-gen consoles, I mean the L2 and R2 buttons on the PS3 controller are much different compared to the PS2 one, so it will give a much nicer feel and everything, I'll guarantee it.
  21. Yeah man, completely agree. Anyway man, I forgot to save the game yesterday, pain in the ass, I had to do all the Umberto missions again etc. Well, I guess I would have been on a higher rating today if I hadn't forgot to save.
  22. Yeah well I'd love to have it in China or Japan, and Beijing is nice, really nice, I'd love to have a GTA set somewhere in Asia, I'd love to have some kind of Asia theme in a GTA game.
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