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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Yeah that's a good idea 2003 And damn, not a bad name either... I like it.
  2. Yeah, well in missions Heh yeah I know, but you know what I mean, GTA is not a game about destroying houses and all, but I like doing it in missions you know, I mean it's fun that you have the option to change the city a little bit of yourself, like everytime you pass by that house you destroyed in that mission you say ahhh yeah... Good times man, yeah man I did that
  3. Things would still be realistic man, know what I'm saying? But hey that's your opinion, no problem man. I'd say it would be pretty damn cool to have some variation you know.
  4. Yeah I know, but come on man, it doesn't need to be that realistic and all, the italian mob could as well be in China or Japan, no problem at all, a little bit of variation in gangs/mafias doesn't gonna hurt.
  5. Yeah man, GTA IV is going to be huge man. Yeah I'm looking forward to see the trailer man, really looking forward to it.
  6. Satan is the most ridiculous thing in the world man... I mean, come on man. Satan is something we humans have created.
  7. Nah me neither, but they could be there.
  8. Yeah man I think GTA IV will use DirectX 10, in 2008-2009 I suppose most of the games that's released in those years will use it.
  9. Yeah why not, and don't forget about the italian mobsters.
  10. Yeah, that's right. Anyway I like The Simpsons, Family Guy, Married With Children, Miami Vice, Knight Rider, Cops, Seinfeld, My Name Is Earl, Pimp My Ride, Mythbusters, Stargate SG-1, Friends and MacGyver, maybe there's more, I don't know, but well yeah this is what I'm watching most of the time you know.
  11. It would be kinda funny you know... Tokyo (belongs to Japan) in China... Hehe yeah, kinda funny you know but yeah I'm sure it would work pretty damn good.
  12. Alright man, hold on now... I don't think I want everything destructible in GTA IV, I don't know, it's just not GTA, know what I'm saying. But I'd love to destroy some things in missions and stuff (for an example when you planted the bombs with the RC plane in VC). And yeah Crysis will probably be a great game but it has nothing to do with GTA man.
  13. It's really different for me you know. Sometimes I can sit in front of the computer ten hours, but sometimes it only gets one hour a day, know what I'm saying. But usually I guess there's somewhere around 6 hours you know, I have my computer on pretty much all the time but I'm not always near the computer you know.
  14. Scariest game I've ever played? Good question man, I've played alot of games, but I can't exactly remember which one was the scariest one. Althought Resident Evil 2 made me freak out a couple of times (yeah when your hair goes straight up). But I've completed Resident Evil 2 so many times that it's not scary anymore. Resident Evil 4 was nothing, it wasn't scary at all... Well yeah that's about it I guess.
  15. Right now I'm watching some good old Married With Children, Al Bundy... That sure is one hell of a man.
  16. Alright man, here you can discuss about the upcoming movie Live Free or Die Hard, aka Die Hard 4.0. I'm really excited about this movie and I will definitely go and see it you know. So far it looks pretty damn good, but it's going to be another thing when we get the chance to see it, know what I'm saying. Below you'll find some nice trailers of Live Free or Die Hard. Currently release date depends a little bit of where you live, here's a list of currently release dates for your country --> Release dates.
  17. Yeah man, it's beautiful. And Gycu, had no idea Paris is the biggest city in Europe, cool man. But I don't think London comes after Paris, after Paris comes Moscow, then London, well I'm not 100% sure but that's what I think. Edit: Here's a list of the largest cities in Europe --> Largest cities in Europe.
  18. Well been playing some VCS, and I gotta tell you man, it's great so far, man now I'm cruising around the city just relaxing listening to Foreigner, oh yeah, it feels great being back in the 80s again, thanks R*.
  19. Is this the one you're talking about? Yeah it looks pretty damn cool man, I've seen it before, and you know there should be a mod for SA that replaces the BF Injection with the Halo vehicle (I think it's called Warthog). Edit: No problem man
  20. Um... Yeah well, haven't played Halo (just a little bit of the demo on PC), but what about it?
  21. Yeah I've mentioned Paris before and damn, that's a good name man... Lune Cite, I really like it Yeah we haven't been talking so much about Paris you know, it has much crime, it's a big city and has lots of options man... Yeah sounds good man. Here's some really nice pictures I found of Paris:
  22. It's ok man, well when it's all about a game like GTA IV, a game we know nothing about, then it's really hard to say yes or no on some questions man, know what I'm saying.
  23. Maybe you're talking about My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion? Edit: Oh and forgot, I'm listening to George Michael - Careless Whisper
  24. Alright man, that's a long wishlist you know. Yeah man, as you can see the bold text is my comments on your wishes and all, know what I'm saying. Anyway good wishlist man.
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