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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Hehe, yeah but I don't think that will happen. Anyway man, how about this name, Los Cholos? Maybe it could be Mexico City or something.
  2. One of the best songs that's on Wave 103 in VCS, Howard Jones - Like To Get To Know You Well
  3. Agree on that point Montana. Well there is absolutely nothing wrong with having old gangs you know, I wouldn't mind, but IMO it would be better off to have new gangs, yeah it would feel more fresh and all. But let's put it this way, old gangs could be back but temporarily? Know what I'm saying? They don't need to stay all the time.
  5. Ok well since this topic is already bumped and everything. I love to just cruise around Liberty City doing nothing, but most of the time I find selling bikes or cars very exciting, and of course, driving a cab is fun too while listening to Flashback FM or something. Oh and streetraces of course.
  6. Oh yes, that will be a very, very interesting day man!
  7. I don't know man, we don't know a shit about GTA IV, but I'll probably do the missions at first, then later after some missions I'll probably relax and cruise around the city and all, and then again I do the missions, you know, so yeah man, I usually don't do all the missions and then explore the city, nah I do both missions and exploring once in a while, you know when I feel like it.
  8. GTAPlayer


    A gunman in NYC kills three people before getting shot by the cops, for more information check out Gunman in NYC
  9. Well first of all, welcome to The Gta Place, now let's move on to your ideas. Yeah I completely agree, the AI has to be better in GTA IV and I'm sure it will. I mean it's stupid that the cops didn't bust other poeple but when you do something, oh yeah then they try to do something, really stupid, and as you mentioned, not fair, not at all. But I don't like the gas thing, I mean, yeah sure it would make things more realistic and all, but IMO it wouldn't do the game better, just more realistic, and realistic is not always better, know what I'm saying. To me it would be just too much man, so I'm not into that idea of yours. And yeah about the mansions and all, depends on how GTA IV will be like, we don't know a shit about it so I can't really say much. And about the customization, I hope there's going to be more options when it comes to your appearance in GTA IV, but we'll see about that. Oh yeah, you're not alone, It'd be great to see Tommy or any other memorable character from VC, or SA. And Lovefist, I'd love to have them back
  10. I'd probably get panic and scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" WWYDI You see someone spraying graffiti on your car?
  11. I'll try it out when I have some time, I'll post how you should do it alright, unless someone else posts first. Edit: Alright man, I've tried the stunt and I think I have a solution to your problem man The secret of this jump is to land with the back wheel on the bike, know what I'm saying? Once you've landed, keep on going with the front wheel raised in the air and there ya go, you're done.
  12. Hey man, why don't you just re-install SA? That should get rid of all the mods.
  13. First when I read it I was hoping for San Andreas Stories hehe, but yeah, this is some great news. Sounds like a good game man.
  14. I'm not really sure what you're talking about Cro... Why not explain a little bit more. Are you saying that you can be assassinated by hitmen and not only in missions? I'm not really sure what you're talking about Cro... Why not explain a little bit more. Are you saying that you can be assassinated by hitmen and not only in missions?
  15. Yeah that'd be nice, and not only that, run your own club you know. Let's say you have a garage and if you want you can get some people to work for you, but of course you can fire them whenever you want (let's say some people aren't really that good, like if someone starts shooting at everything hehe, like a crazy maniac). So when you have some employees you all can work with cars and all, know what I'm saying, and customers will also come and maybe buy your new designed car? Paint jobs, engine jobs and all that shit... And you listen to heavy beats while working. Oh yeah, everything man, everything, oh yeah, that'd be sweet.
  16. You made that one Cro? Hehe yeah... It looks funny I guess... Well I like that girl Oh yeah!
  17. Haha yeah the same man... It would look ridiculous fun man, I'm sure I would laugh my ass out if I saw myself talking to some ped on the streets, even more fun if I saw myself dealing drugs on the street
  18. What if it would have been possible to have our own faces and bodys in GTA IV so we could see ourselves?
  19. It really is a big difference between 9 and 10. I'm looking forward to see the review of the first game that will use DirectX 10, Crysis.
  20. Well it's really different about for how long you go school, but usually 9-12 years, some ppl don't go high school. And yeah man, but I hope I live longer than 60, at least 85 man. And yeah, there's the chance you get killed of course
  21. Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah. Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.
  22. Gycu man, relax, it's just a fckn test alright... School is just a little part of your life, after all that shit you forget everything, the rest is up to you man. Oh well, anyway, been kinda boring today... I'm tired and all, dammit, and it's such a long time until GTA IV is released, man why October all the time eh? Damn. Anyway man, been training today, real hard, I'm tired... Been cleaning the apartment a little bit... Yeah, been watching Charmed, oh man those girls are so hot...! Oh and ArtSweet, seriously? Did they said you had morphine in your urine?
  23. Well I have no idea what the difference is, but I know DirextX 10 is better as you mentioned. Anyway man, yeah the DirectX already supports the GeForce 8800 if I'm not mistaken. Edit: I mean, GeForce 8800 supports DirectX 10.
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