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Everything posted by aemboy15

  1. I like kokane's pics. LOL. Ill put some up later.
  2. Hey even I like Spaz and i dont like alot of people.
  3. Yea a Chi-Town GTA. Thats warm!!<--Jusk kidding Spaz.
  4. I hate school and because Im up now, i will sleep during at least one of my classes tomrow. <--Yawn!
  5. This kid I know played it because his friend imported it from Japan foe $500. He said it was hott.
  6. I think from now on GTA wil have to have a gang for you because than it will not be as good as San Andreas.
  7. Lol that is cool, yet I never tried it. I will later.
  8. I sleep all the time in school. Its like a game between you and the teacher.
  9. I like Dreams by Game and Like a Pimp by David Banner and Lil Flip
  10. Dose anyone belive in UFOs and stuff. I do. I swear i had an alien in my house before!!
  11. I live in Newport R.I but from Fall River Mass Projects! Wud Up To Tha RIV!!!
  12. As long as there is a big ghetto with gangs, im good.
  13. I thought it was behind the VINEWOOD sign.
  14. Yea put the front up like you are bouncing and hold. Then just get out and it will stay. @ Jason-only The front is up. Thanks. Feel free to post your rides too.
  15. Wow that looks real to me. Nice finde man(if its real). I belive in bigfoot and i take pics with my digital camra and it looks just like that. Thats cool.
  16. I think I would like to meat Spaz and some other people in DS. They seem cool. Also anyone who disses me. lol, its all good.
  17. Game~Westside Caddillic Tah~pov City Anthem
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