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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I have a rubbish map what can be used as an Example. The hideout zone can be used for escaping being killed in gang wars. We could get it to script that no-one will show up on the radar in these counties. The green zones will be moved around for the smaller gangs such as Venato Mafia etc The blue zones will be a gang who wants Las Venturas The yellow zones will be a gang who wants los Santos The Red zones will be a gang who wants San Fierro. The orange zones cannot be taken, but can be used as a hideout for planning etc.
  2. Buying cars are boring, picking up unlocked cars in the streets is cool. So if the cities were to be claimed by a gang what gang would claim them? (EG: Subuzi could pick San Fierro etc)
  3. I PMed you my Addy!

  4. Yeah I agree, you are creepy Good drawing though.
  5. It would be good just having the weapons and the choice of numerous cars not a wide selection. The properties need to go as the only use for them is for more more Health Points. If there is going to be MTA and SA:MP Servers you should really just put random weapons like in the real GTA Series. Then it makes it more fun. If it is going to be SA:MP then you can let all 3 of the main gangs rule each city (eg: Dragon Stealths = Las Ventura's etc) and the minors rule in those cities with a savehouse and shit (eg: Venato Mafia = Hashbury, San Fierro). Basically you can let the 3 major gangs to choose their city and for the minor gangs to choose a place in their selected city to stay that way we determine who's turf is who's.
  6. It's my first year and I am 5th I think?
  7. Thanks. Who was the other person who voted for because I voted for Urbanoutlaw?
  8. I think he might mean reset the PS2. Cholo Sabres do spawn around little Havana and Little Haiti. The Angel spawns at Lances Mansion Lock-Up. The best bet for the cholo sabres is to keep one in your garage at Phils old save house. The Sharks Rancher can be found all around the East Island.
  9. Another thing about police that they should be harder to get away and much like in real life Police Cars should be rare to see on the street. When police BUST you when they open the passenger door you should be able to drive away but that's not likely to change. It's also too easy to get a wanted level. Maybe having the police pull you over for speeding and giving you a fine? Maybe a fine for parking in weird places (Only if you actually own and bought that car)?
  10. I need to update my list My list is in No-Order Quickdeath (Where'd he go ?) Woozie TM Jace Red devil Dazza Noru TG187 (Where'd he go ?) Rockstarrem Sky Santa (lol ) Ar-V-The-Nameless (Seems like a nice guy) Alucardo Ogtam Jared Ciaran Jade Siberian Husky Gycu Brun K9 Krew Nate14 Connor Did I miss anyone, tell me if I have.
  11. Thomas.


    Welcome to the forums, there numerous GTA Specific forums across the board what you can post and take part in poll topics. But, there is a topic specifically for new members to be greeted and welcomed into The GTA Place community. That topic is called Introduce Yourself. Have a good time! GTA IV GTA Vice City Stories GTA Liberty City Stories GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City GTA III Stunting General GTA
  12. my real name: t5yh90kkqqwe (Thomas: Nose) my real name:tgghgomn \aZA\Zs (Thomas: Elbow) my screen name: 65r7765 (TFY765: Nose) my screen name: tgvhgytre7yu5rtt6yttyu6 (TFY765: Elbow)
  13. I have since changed my mind on the gang car. Here is all of them in order. 1. - Diablo Stallion (Why? Protection + Speed = Good) 2. - Yakuza Stinger 3. - Leone Sentinel 4. - Hoods Rumpo XL 5. - Cartel Cruiser 6. - Yardie Lobo 7. - Triad Fish Van
  14. No I don't think so. You could try it but I don't think they have such a big Interior Universe.
  15. I go around in the tank and destroy every car what gets in my way.
  16. Your the 10101 poster in replies outside this topic in the Fun & other forum.
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