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My views on the Tralier


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These are my view on the tralier.

These are after a few views of the tralier

We know its Liberty by the cargo boat, look at it, it says Liberty City underneth it, the Intersection is Staution Island, the Bridge look like the Gant Bridge fron San Fierro and the Houses look like there from San Fierro and the Rollercoaster from Santa Marie Beach in Los Santos, and you can see the Blista Compact in the Intersection. So thats what i picked up.

And when i was watching it frame by frame on my PSP

As we know, its Liberty cos of the Liberty City in it, and the Empire State Building.

I got the words "Cheese Crisis" and "To Perform" from the moving board. And the time they made it in game was around 11:12 aslo from the moving borad.

The building Getalife is just funny.

The look of time square looks heaps from Staution Island. So yeah.

The old building could be the Train Station from San Feirro. Or an abandened Subway Station.

I swear i billboard for coke is on the intersection. In game advertising anyone?

Theres a ME TV Theater, but i cant read whats on.

The briadge is like Callahan but different somehow, and theres a moving carrier in the air.

He looks like he's in the Cematery near the church in Liberty City. But theres a new briage.

The Cargo Boat reads; "Platypus - Liberty City". And looks like the dock from San Fierro.

The next Bradge looks like Gant Bridge from San Feirro, but with a new walkway.

The next braidge looks like an updated bridge in Vice City, and looks like the river, its Vice.

And thats it.

This is all mine. Im trying to get pics, but all i can use is my PSP tralier.

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These are my view on the tralier.
We know its Liberty by the cargo boat, look at it, it says Liberty City underneth it, the Intersection is Staution Island, the Bridge look like the Gant Bridge fron San Fierro and the Houses look like there from San Fierro and the Rollercoaster from Santa Marie Beach in Los Santos, and you can see the Blista Compact in the Intersection. So thats what i picked up.

(Don't quote me)The trailer was all strickly Liberty City; including additions such as, a possiblity, Upstate Liberty. Due to the fact the land near the bridge you're talking about that has an intersection underneath is totally different from any land near a bridge in the current playable version of the Liberty City map, that can't be Staunton Island. The bridges shown in the trailer have absolutly no similiarities to the Gant Bridge in San Fierro although the one in the distance looks similar to one that connects San Fierro and Las Venturas. Although the houses do look similar to the ones located in areas of San Fierro such as Calton Heights, those type of houses can be easily found in New York(Liberty City). As for the "Screamer" being located in Santa Maria...please tell me where you see it.


SIDE NOTE: The "Platypus" is also in the last scene.

As we know, its Liberty cos of the Liberty City in it, and the Empire State Building.

I got the words "Cheese Crisis" and "To Perform" from the moving board. And the time they made it in game was around 11:12 aslo from the moving borad.

The look of time square looks heaps from Staution Island. So yeah.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. :thumbsup:

The old building could be the Train Station from San Feirro. Or an abandened Subway Station.

Don't get your hopes up.

I swear i billboard for coke is on the intersection. In game advertising anyone?

Theres a ME TV Theater, but i cant read whats on.

get a print screen.

The briadge is like Callahan but different somehow, and theres a moving carrier in the air.

He looks like he's in the Cematery near the church in Liberty City. But theres a new briage.

New games, so new things. These areas are in completly different places. FYI; the bridge, that to you looks like the Callahan Bridge, is the same bridge in the clip of the Russian guy at the cemetary.

The Cargo Boat reads; "Platypus - Liberty City". And looks like the dock from San Fierro.

The next Bradge looks like Gant Bridge from San Feirro, but with a new walkway.

The next braidge looks like an updated bridge in Vice City, and looks like the river, its Vice.

Obvious/no, no, NO!

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