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hookers and sex in gtaIV

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  justhes said:
i wonder if in gtaIV the having hot coffe wil be more realistic so when you bang someone the car dosent just vibrate.

What does Hot Coffee have to do with the prostitutes? Two separate parts of the game, one of which wasn't suppose to be there. And no, I doubt it will be more realistic, they already had trouble over simulated sex..

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  justhes said:
i wonder if in gtaIV the having hot coffe wil be more realistic so when you bang someone the car dosent just vibrate.
  justhes said:
that would be cool but you can stil have sex in real life

Those quotes make it look like you're talking to yourself.

There won't be Hot Coffee so don't think about it and why would you want the prostitute getting in your car thing to be more advanced. It's not a big part of the game.

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Okay, thanks but I can't see this topic going anywhere other then having more comments such as Stallone's above, so I'll lock this. If you want to discuss the possibility of hookers in general, start a new topic or post in the Wishlist. Hot Coffee is a no no though, of course it won't be included in the game.

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