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Making forum signatures? PAH! That's not what the program's for. It's for high end, high quality graphic design, the kind you see littering our society. On food, clothes, drinks, boxes, games, and stuff like that, not this small time stuff.

I'm not a graphic designer for any food, clothes, drinks, boxes, games and stuff like that company, are you?

Maybe Photoshop isn't intended for forum signatures but it gives me the flexibility to make better one's. I'm pretty sure you never made your sig on paint?

Planning to be in the future, I'll have you know. Looking into doing it as a career. Job interview on monday for a part time job at a car graphics shop. *crosses fingers*

And just because paint doesn't give you all the impressive options that photshop does, that doesn't mean you should steal it.

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So what did you use on your sig?

The only program that comes with windows is paint for editing pictures.

Photoshop does the same job as most programs and is easier to use, so why not? Even if it is intended for photo's it's also got capabilities for other things.

Edited by Almeida
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So what did you use on your sig?

The only program that comes with windows is paint for editing pictures.

Photoshop does the same job as most programs and is easier to use, so why not? Even if it is intended for photo's it's also got capabilities for other things.

He probably used Photoshop. Why? Because it was GIFTED TO HIM. He is((or was?)) in school for graphic design. Paint and Photoshop aren't the only programs out there.

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