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GTAIV GLITCH! Stuck at "Special Someone"

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HELP! I am stuck at the "That Special Someone" mission and there is nothing else to do!

I can't PROGRESS in the game and I have played around for about one in game MONTH already!

I have slept, saved, reloaded, changed cloths, called all my contacts, did as much side missions as I can...

I have checked my email, my text messages, etc.... No use! I can't continue the story plot..

I have 100% sure this is a major GLITCH in GTAIV... IS THERE A WAY TO FIX IT without starting over?

I always OVERWRITE my slots for manual saves so I didn't have previous saves to turn back too....

ALL i do get is stupid f*cking packie calling my cell every two f*cking seconds about kinapping some

guido bitch for his mother but there ain't sh*t on the map to go to and no missions to do, and based on the

f*cked up stats area it says packie missions 100% but the gay motherf*cker won't stop calling me every two

nanoseconds... so much for AI and immersion my f*cking ass.. f*ck rockstar.. they can't even afford a beta

tester or somesh*t?

HOW can Rockstar deliver such a piss ass quality piece of sh*t! I mean I have the xbox360 with harddrive..

Isn't this supposed THE system they coded it for??? Why they charge me $65 US falling dollars

for a piece of sh*t they didn't even test enough to know that it won't play till the end????

This is not the first time I have major glitch, right off the boat the fourth mission would LOADING .... .... ... .... ...

for f*cking EVERZ and I would reboot xbox360 a dozen times no use... Finally I found out a way around it

by playing other missions first and then returning to it... I have noticed so many major catastrophic glitches,

bugs, and piss poor top down structure programming in this game its not even funny! How can the reviewers

give this piece of sh*t a 10/10 if it won' t even play all the way to the end!!! R* must have used the 50 mil Microshaft

gave them to buy everyone out!


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Jesus Christ dude calm the fuck down, none of us to my knowledge have this problem. You do realize that when "That Special Someone" starts, it starts right? Like, you just get a phone call, thats it, then you go to the place on the map. Theres no marker or anything, you need to pick up Roman and then go to the place.

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ive got the same problem but different time in the game


Ray 100%

Gerry 40%

Derrick 33.33%

Bernie 100%

Bell 100%

Gambetti 33.33%

Jimmy 100%

EVERYTHING else is finished (200 flying rats)

tried all the stuff u have tried but f*** all helps

can u still take ur friends to pub etc???

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Yes, thats exactly what you have to do instead of flaming the game. Go to that car site and find the pink car. As soon as you do that the number of the bitch is going to be added to your contacts, then you gotta call it and you go on a mission.

And next time dont blame the game for yourself not understanding basic things....

Edited by Dr.Dbl-Gee
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  • 4 months later...

Thanks all for the advice I've also been stuck after completing 'That Special Someone' - I don't ever get a call from Jimmy Pergorino to start 'The Set Up'.

I've gone to the auto website & found the ad for the pink feltzer but can't contact the vendor. The number is not logged in my phone & when I ring it manually (662-555-0147) it rings once then goes dead.

Any advice ?


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  • 4 years later...

I'm stuck here as well. Have been for years and now I'm desperately trying to figure this out before the next GTA releases, otherwise I won't buy it.


I completed Special Someone. No phone call. I have gone to the car website but when I dial the number for the pink car, I get a dead end. No "bitches" phones number shows up in my phone book either.


I have reloaded the game numerous times and and redone the Special Someone mission. Nothing ever changes. Still stuck.


Help! Advice?

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  • 2 months later...

I was stuck at " Someone Special" but the next mission is UNMAPPED. Go to the PRISON after killeing Darko!

                           Hope that helps....


  On 5/31/2008 at 5:02 PM, gtaiv74656 said:

HELP! I am stuck at the "That Special Someone" mission and there is nothing else to do!
I can't PROGRESS in the game and I have played around for about one in game MONTH already!

I have slept, saved, reloaded, changed cloths, called all my contacts, did as much side missions as I can...
I have checked my email, my text messages, etc.... No use! I can't continue the story plot..

I have 100% sure this is a major GLITCH in GTAIV... IS THERE A WAY TO FIX IT without starting over?
I always OVERWRITE my slots for manual saves so I didn't have previous saves to turn back too....

ALL i do get is stupid f*cking packie calling my cell every two f*cking seconds about kinapping some
guido bitch for his mother but there ain't sh*t on the map to go to and no missions to do, and based on the
f*cked up stats area it says packie missions 100% but the gay motherf*cker won't stop calling me every two
nanoseconds... so much for AI and immersion my f*cking ass.. f*ck rockstar.. they can't even afford a beta
tester or somesh*t?

HOW can Rockstar deliver such a piss ass quality piece of sh*t! I mean I have the xbox360 with harddrive..
Isn't this supposed THE system they coded it for??? Why they charge me $65 US falling dollars
for a piece of sh*t they didn't even test enough to know that it won't play till the end????

This is not the first time I have major glitch, right off the boat the fourth mission would LOADING .... .... ... .... ...
for f*cking EVERZ and I would reboot xbox360 a dozen times no use... Finally I found out a way around it
by playing other missions first and then returning to it... I have noticed so many major catastrophic glitches,
bugs, and piss poor top down structure programming in this game its not even funny! How can the reviewers
give this piece of sh*t a 10/10 if it won' t even play all the way to the end!!! R* must have used the 50 mil Microshaft
gave them to buy everyone out!


I was stuck at " Someone Special" but the next mission is UNMAPPED. Go to the PRISON after killeing Darko!

                           Hope that helps....

  On 5/28/2013 at 3:40 AM, TROOF said:

I'm stuck here as well. Have been for years and now I'm desperately trying to figure this out before the next GTA releases, otherwise I won't buy it.


I completed Special Someone. No phone call. I have gone to the car website but when I dial the number for the pink car, I get a dead end. No "bitches" phones number shows up in my phone book either.


I have reloaded the game numerous times and and redone the Special Someone mission. Nothing ever changes. Still stuck.


Help! Advice?

I was stuck at " Someone Special" but the next mission is UNMAPPED. Go to the PRISON after killing Darko!

                           Hope that helps....

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I was completely thrown by the suggestion of getting Roman, It's been awhile since I played GTA IV completely, but believe me, it never quits half way through, the in-game Internet is a tool and you check your texts or emails at times, this is likely to continue with new hand held devices that GTA will employ for "Five", but once you're on the correct device, should be guided with text prompts for specifics, Go into the GUI guide when in doubt, where you can get a description transcript of spoken text along with current objectives that have popped up, it will highlight some but not all events or text that's spoken (as it updates all the time you're playing).


I will also suggest you don't need to actually dial a number, this is true of the mission where you're trying to spot the blackmailer on the cell phone in Algonquin, it appears on your phone, in another sniper job, avoid the phone call and just shoot the TV antenna outside the building, you can avoid having this issue! haha

Edited by BlackListedB
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  On 6/1/2008 at 1:47 PM, Dr.Dbl-Gee said:

Yes, thats exactly what you have to do instead of flaming the game. Go to that car site and find the pink car. As soon as you do that the number of the bitch is going to be added to your contacts, then you gotta call it and you go on a mission.

And next time dont blame the game for yourself not understanding basic things....

the number is listed as mob daughter in the mobile and contact her between 8-9 am 


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