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Virus! Again...


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I don't really get worried about viruses nowadays... But this one seems special :P I believe it to be a virus, anyway... My explorer.exe keeps closing down after 2 mins of it being open. I'm using Task Manager to access my applications and stuff, but this virus is annoying cause I need to set up my Call of Duty and need to look inside my disk in the drive :P

I'm currently scanning with AVG and found and deleted a virus but my explorer is still closing... So, any ideas? I cant find any processes that I don't know so this virus is keeping itself well hidden... All I can find are a few web pages saying I should access 'Administrative Tools' but that is stupid because explorer crashes with not enough time for me to get there! xO


I congratulate how effective this virus is though. Must've took the creator a nice bit of coding time :D Well done... Jerk!

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I don't really get worried about viruses nowadays... But this one seems special :P I believe it to be a virus, anyway... My explorer.exe keeps closing down after 2 mins of it being open. I'm using Task Manager to access my applications and stuff, but this virus is annoying cause I need to set up my Call of Duty and need to look inside my disk in the drive :P

I'm currently scanning with AVG and found and deleted a virus but my explorer is still closing... So, any ideas? I cant find any processes that I don't know so this virus is keeping itself well hidden... All I can find are a few web pages saying I should access 'Administrative Tools' but that is stupid because explorer crashes with not enough time for me to get there! xO


I congratulate how effective this virus is though. Must've took the creator a nice bit of coding time :D Well done... Jerk!

I usually consult the experts on this. A round of Google searching on the virus and a bit of analysis on it can help in the removal. Took me three to four hours on finding out and getting rid of that Vundo malware, though...

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I usually consult the experts on this. A round of Google searching on the virus and a bit of analysis on it can help in the removal. Took me three to four hours on finding out and getting rid of that Vundo malware, though...

I heard about this Vundo thing in alot of topics about my situation. But the only ways I found to fix it require the use of the control panel which I cannot acess without explorer being on :bashhead: So... I'm screwed? :P

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I usually consult the experts on this. A round of Google searching on the virus and a bit of analysis on it can help in the removal. Took me three to four hours on finding out and getting rid of that Vundo malware, though...

I heard about this Vundo thing in alot of topics about my situation. But the only ways I found to fix it require the use of the control panel which I cannot acess without explorer being on :bashhead: So... I'm screwed? :P

No, not quite...

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No, not quite...

Yea, just fixed it :D Thanks to Security Task Manager. Not restarted PC yet so it could return. But I know now that it was definately Vundo xO Great, and it made me uninstall so much crap too :P Well, I guess I should thank it then :)

I'm thinking of buying Security Task Manager and I'd recommend it to others too! :D Adios!

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All I can find are a few web pages saying I should access 'Administrative Tools' but that is stupid because explorer crashes with not enough time for me to get there! xO

In task manager, go to file/run, type compmgmt.msc

That takes you to the hub for most administrative tools, and you don't need explorer running to get there.

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aha yeah viruses are a pain in the ass

whats more a pain is trying to reformat with a fucked hard drive!! (when you have no idea, and the drive shows no physical sign..happened at work)

download spybot and avg free if you havent already, and boot in safe mode (keep slamming f8 when u turn the com on), choose safe mode at the menu. scan entire system with both (and wif latest updates), then remove all thats possible. if it says it needs to restart

if that doesnt work, yeah compmgmt.msc, but...if i were you. write down the hardware exactly whta you have. and if you have a XP disc, then download all the drivers you need, burn to cd, then reformat and start fresh. your comp will thank you for it! LOL.

also, go to run and type: cmd. then type in command prompt: "chkdsk /f" it will whinge about unable to dismount etc, then you just need to reset your pc (restart, not turn off/on) and it will scan and fix anything bad with the file system / MFT etc.

or you can remove hd and put in USB enclosure etc, but that is only useful if you have a friend close by with spare sata/ide port etc...(when i plugged this laptop drive into a ide port, it bloody sparked and smoked!! and yes i was using the right way etc, my boss checked)

we were both like omg wtf!



Edited by WRX22B1998
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Well I already fixed it. Lol. Used msconfig to boot into safe mode which was no help whatsoever and did a system restore. Which was also a waste of time. Then I simply got Security Task Manager and quarantined the files. So now they should never start again :) Explorer is working properly now too! :D

how in fucks name did you start safe mode with msconfig? you mean diagnostic startup?

system restore IS a waste of time if you got a virus, it usually gets in there too. (you will get a virus, then sys restore will "image" your drive...which has virus on it

yeah, you coulda done that :S

get spybot and leave the resident thing running. its really really good.

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how in fucks name did you start safe mode with msconfig? you mean diagnostic startup?

system restore IS a waste of time if you got a virus, it usually gets in there too. (you will get a virus, then sys restore will "image" your drive...which has virus on it

yeah, you coulda done that :S

get spybot and leave the resident thing running. its really really good.

MS Config shows your boot.ini file and from there you can simply tick the safemode box. System Restore is actually quite good for viruses that run from your registry... It doesn't image the drive as far as I know... Just puts you back to an old image.

I got the virus again because there were downloader processess still running in the background which downloaded 6 more viruses after I got rid of the first 2 xO Which is very risky since viruses can be remotely controlled...

Should be better now. I quarentined the troublesome files and hopefully... My rundll didn't get infected which is what I started to think at the time when I had two of them running without stopping... But I replaced it with a backup anyway so everything should be fine if the backup is trustworthy :P

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