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Illinois Church Shooting today


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MARYVILLE, Ill. (March 8) -- A gunman walked down the aisle of a church during a Sunday service and killed the pastor, then stabbed himself and slashed two other people as congregants wrestled him to the ground, authorities said.

The man walked into the sprawling red brick First Baptist Church shortly after 8 a.m. and briefly spoke with The Rev. Fred Winters before pulling out a .45-caliber handgun and shooting Winters once in the chest, said Illinois State Police Master Trooper Ralph Timmins.

:nope:.........why why why? Why must atrocity like this go on? This sucks.......

(more of the story in the link)

R.I.P. Rev. Fred Winters. Bless your family.

Edited by GTAsoldier
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It IS a tad offensive to murder in a religious place. However, it's a tad offensive to murder, period. Although, I won't say he was in the wrong to kill him, I mean, I don't know his story, and I don't know why he did it. If he had solid reasons to do it and the man deserved what happened to him, then well, I can't wrong him. Otherwise, he's just an asshole, I guess. Or insane. No one ever stops to think that insanity is a mental disorder, and that this man might've thought he was doing nothing wrong at all. My mom always comments, "OHH MAAA GAWWD WHYYY WOULD SOMEONE DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!? IT IS SO WRONG!", and she doesn't grasp it when I tell her that to the person doing it, there was nothing wrong done.

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Yeah, some people just fucking flip.

Could of been banging his beloved wife.

Never know with churchy people. There's quite a joke over here, dunno about America and any other places, but that all priests are meant to be child molesters(There are actually times when this has actually happened). Not very christian, if you ask me.

So yeah, anything could happen.

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Never know with churchy people. There's quite a joke over here, dunno about America and any other places, but that all priests are meant to be child molesters(There are actually times when this has actually happened). Not very christian, if you ask me.

So yeah, anything could happen.

Good point. I'm Catholic myself, but that whole situation with the child molesting was fucked up. But it's not every priest who does this, it's just some who don't practice what they preach.

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Yeah, some people just fucking flip.

Could of been banging his beloved wife.

Never know with churchy people. There's quite a joke over here, dunno about America and any other places, but that all priests are meant to be child molesters(There are actually times when this has actually happened). Not very christian, if you ask me.

So yeah, anything could happen.

Yeah, Catholic priests, it's common humor in America too.

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The guys family is now trying to blame it on Lyme disease. Biggest load of BS I have ever heard. Yes, the disease can affect the brain and make you mentally slow, but it will not turn you into a raging killing machine. In fact, if you catch it and treat it like you are supposed to you will be fine. It is painful for a long time, but if a five year old child can live through it so could he.

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Last I knew, Lyme disease didn't cause psychotic behavior (I have know several people living w/ it). The guy just

went nuts.

I can't remember the source, but heard the church in question has offered aid to the family of the shooter. It's no

consolation, but it's good to hear that even after something like this happens people still try to be decent.

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Yeah, some people just fucking flip.

Could of been banging his beloved wife.

Never know with churchy people. There's quite a joke over here, dunno about America and any other places, but that all priests are meant to be child molesters(There are actually times when this has actually happened). Not very christian, if you ask me.

So yeah, anything could happen.

Yeah, Catholic priests, it's common humor in America too.

It makes me chuckle everytime I hear someone mention it. :hurrhurr:

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well, my country is a Catholic country, yet there are no reports that priests here are molesters... maybe it only happens in western countries

lol, sometimes??

It happens too here.

hmm... really? never heard one, although i know there are gay priests here, i'm an altar server myself.

The only thing that I criticize our priests, is on their influence on politics...

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Can't say I feel for them much.

But it's not really right going shooting some guy in a church, but it depends on the situation.

Why don't you feel for him? Because he's religious? I'm just assuming, but I'm wondering at the same time.

It IS a tad offensive to murder in a religious place. However, it's a tad offensive to murder, period. Although, I won't say he was in the wrong to kill him, I mean, I don't know his story, and I don't know why he did it. If he had solid reasons to do it and the man deserved what happened to him, then well, I can't wrong him. Otherwise, he's just an asshole, I guess. Or insane. No one ever stops to think that insanity is a mental disorder, and that this man might've thought he was doing nothing wrong at all. My mom always comments, "OHH MAAA GAWWD WHYYY WOULD SOMEONE DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!? IT IS SO WRONG!", and she doesn't grasp it when I tell her that to the person doing it, there was nothing wrong done.

I think if the priest molested him or something when he was a kid he deserved to be killed and shit yeah, other then that... yeah.

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Can't say I feel for them much.

But it's not really right going shooting some guy in a church, but it depends on the situation.

Why don't you feel for him? Because he's religious? I'm just assuming, but I'm wondering at the same time.

To be completely honest, people promoting a religion(most religions) that has resulted in many people dying, I don't usually feel for them when they die(this doesn't include people who believe in God, just people who promote fucked up religions)

Anyway, I don't like religious people and that's one less religious person in the world, so I should really be happy, but I wouldn't go that far.

Sick guy: "Where's your fucking God now eh?" *Points gun in face*

Pastor: "Oh fuck!"


That kinda proves a point, if God can't save such a big figure in his religion, then who's to say he exists in that religion.

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Yeah, I know people who believe in religions hard core, I think even some in my extended family, but they are my views and they are right to me, I don't really spread them around unless asked or if some asshole comes up to me in the street and tries to convert me.

My family used to be methodist, now they're not, that's only because now they've got older, they've realised how fucking stupid they were, even I used to believe in god...when I was 4.

I don't really have any problem with people who believe in god and more or less keep it to themselves, just I really fucking hate religions like Christianity, where there is evidence to prove that the god they're talking about does not fucking exist.

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^ lol. Your anger spread here. :mellow:
I've heard(and watched) priests that are molester in news here.

Yeah, priest here are like priest of the old Roman Empire.

which Roman empire? the pagan or the christian?

Christian. Because the church here intervenes in the politics like the priests of Roman Empire.

kinda, yeah like what my father said, "we are living in medieval period". I guess only the catholic priests loves intervening in politics, i never saw any protestant pastor or orthodox priest intervening in the politics (yes, we have a small population of orthodox adherents).

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Protestants hate Catholics. Maybe that's why. And that thing also happened in the medieval period, where the Protestants splitted up from the Catholics because of their power and injustices.

yeah, that gave the catholics a bad name :(

but i do have some good protestant friends and they study in our school, which is a catholic school. They also take part on our religious celebrations.

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