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Rushing Rockstar


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One thing that has bugged me about VC and SA, is the lack of quality and care that has gone into some of the vehicles. The Sunbeam, for example, just isn't worth driving. I spoke to the guys from Rocktar last week, and asked them about this, they (unofficially) said it was due to the GTA community getting all hyped up about the game, and the team having to rush to meet the production deadline (it has to be compiled, tested, published and distributed before the release date). There was no chance of Rockstar being able to hurl back the release date of SA another couple of weeks, without Houser being lynched. They have to produce it as per the predicted deadline.

If we, as a community, allowed Rockstar a couple of weeks leeway on the next game, for significant improvements and bugfixing, we could end up having a much better game. We wouldn't have to wait ten minutes to pass a car worth nicking. We wouldnt break down and cry if we had to do a mission in a hatchback. These guys do need a bit of support. Take 2 is a massive company, and Rockstar North are just a tiny division. They're outnumbered by their bosses and by us.

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but you cant rush the fantastic work that theses people do in such a short time you have to except the fact that some times there might be some thing wrong with the product so then they will learn from there mistakes and make the game better for all of us gamers

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I'm not just on about crap cars, i'm on about poorly made cars, ones that haven't had the time and effort put into them.

And its not just cars either, Vice City was shoddy when it came to buildings, many were imported from gta3, and almost all textures were copied. In the airport, the doors on the dummy terminal building were shorter than the automatic-door texture placed on them.

San Andreas was much better for this, and obviously a strenuous amount of time had been taken in creating variation - no two neighbourhoods are the same, even ones very close by. Shame about the trams being useless though...

If we gave them more time, okay yes its not our decision, but if we don't pile on the pressure so that Take 2 can relax the deadlines a bit, then we could end up having a significantly better game.

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