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i think there should be careers in the next game, but a lot of people think this would be annoying and tatally awful

however i think at a certain point in the game you choose or you can qualify for a certain career and then about once in a week you get a call to get you ass to work... and you must do different missions connected to that career

it might make the game totally shit but i think it would be a good idea

what do you think about this careers idea


Edited by amirmm
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woah relx guys its not a bad idea it all, look at it this way.

- the game can never end because of your job you can do cool careers. like stealing cars for somone (gone in 60 seconds style) like import/export just more detailed.

- they can make burglary missions into a job also

- even the food delivery

They can make anything into a job as long as you got a boss. you can even be a policeman if you want (possably a dirty cop)

im sure they can expand on the idea of careers. like in san andreas what ever did happen to the garage that you got. CJ's sister is a lying skank that said she would get the place up and running and never did. that can easily be a career in the game, sell cars.

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The past two GTA's (VC and SA) have been about working for someone but eventually having poeple work for you... Working your way up the criminal ladder. Career defeats the purpose of doing that. But it would make the game last longer.

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  blnk182fan18 said:
- the game can never end because of your job you can do cool careers. like stealing cars for somone (gone in 60 seconds style) like import/export just more detailed.

- they can make burglary missions into a job also

- even the food delivery

They can make anything into a job as long as you got a boss. you can even be a policeman if you want (possably a dirty cop)

You had all these thing is previous GTAs. And btw I said thet the only carrer you need is your criminal carrer, and that includes import/exporting vehicles, burglary...

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what you just said, is one of the most insanly stupid things i have ever heard, you made no sence and should actualy never play GTA ever again b/c u dont deserve to.

You can steal your entire life. you can get a job to make the "GAME" more "FUN" so it never gets "BORING". think a little and think before you speak, its a good saying you should really listen to.

maybe working for another criminal can be considered a career you F**k. :pissedred::angry:>.<

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Yes and then you could always drive the speed limit and stop at every red light until it turns green. Oooh and once every year in the game you can file your taxes. Btw I realize that working for another criminal can be considered a career but that's ovbiously not what whoever started this topic was talking about. Because thats exactly what gta is... working for other criminals. So therefore there has been careers in the game all along and this topic shouldnt exist. It appears to me that youre the one who doesnt make any sense.

Edited by rosenberg
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  • 2 weeks later...
  blnk182fan18 said:
what you just said, is one of the most insanly stupid things i have ever heard, you made no sence and should actualy never play GTA ever again b/c u dont deserve to.

You can steal your entire life. you can get a job to make the "GAME" more "FUN" so it never gets "BORING". think a little and think before you speak, its a good saying you should really listen to.

maybe working for another criminal can be considered a career you F**k. :pissedred::angry:>.<

If you yourself want to make "sence", you may want to start off spelling sense the right way just to be a little convincing

I agree with rosenburg about working for other criminals. The point of GTA is... Illegal. Even buying safehouses and businesses aren't legal because you buy them with dirty money. Having a career forces the player to eventually have to do taxes and what not, and you know rockstar would never put that in the game, SO it takes away realism. Lastly, every game in the world eventually gets boring so don't sugar coat a game with "career" missions. The trilogy of GTAs all eventually get old, and there is nothing anybody can do about it. So adding career missions takes a step in a backwards direction in my opinion. :thumbsdown:

Edited by Dave Yak
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