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not u tilly im ur friend! its to spaz Spaz dont kid me

IM SMART IM MAKIN' A MMORPG its based on toontown (fUN FACT toontown has bout' about.... 500 ppl on there)

Yet again you make a seemingly pointless post that makes no sense. We don't care if you think you're "smart", we don't care how many people are on ToonTown.

If you're so smart, learn some effin' typing skills, why don't ya?

yes that will be great. thats what im sorta trying to do but nobody is seeming to try. akaspaz

Sorry if I don't want to do that and waste my ink.

yeah :D try to decode this aifaopifaSpfuoaifuaPxkjfkahAfhsudZ


Ha. Dude. You didn't make a special "code". You typed a bynch of random letters and then put my name in random spots in CAPS making it APPARENT what you were typing.

Kid, go play with your toys or color in some coloring books. Most of your posts make no sense and when asked to explain them you say something stupid and random about making an MMORPG. And when you say you are making it, do you mean your in progress right now and you actually have some things done, or are you WANTING to make one and THINKING about it but haven't started yet. I'd be willing to bet that is the case, and that you have no clue how to even make a game.

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Kid, go play with your toys or color in some coloring books. Most of your posts make no sense and when asked to explain them you say something stupid and random about making an MMORPG. And when you say you are making it, do you mean your in progress right now and you actually have some things done, or are you WANTING to make one and THINKING about it but haven't started yet. I'd be willing to bet that is the case, and that you have no clue how to even make a game.


|| Well idc bout this but IM NOT THINKING IM ALL READY MAKEING IT With my boss :D but im just saveing for money i can use in tech collage (after i graduate collage) so i will be haveing a job in mircosoft maybe bill gates will be there :coolthumbup: and i dont wanna do this drawball thingie Know why? u gotta wait 10 hours for ink to fill up to 100

Yet again you make a seemingly pointless post that makes no sense. We don't care if you think you're "smart", we don't care how many people are on ToonTown.

If you're so smart, learn some effin' typing skills, why don't ya?

/\well i have some typeing skills dont just Blah blah this blah blah that

i dont know everything but i know one thing

never ever look near near near near near near near near the sun

JK i looked at the sun i can only see a gimpshe but there it was i saw that the

sun was shaped as a ball i did some reserch and i found some pics of the sun...


Edited by andrew919
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yes and you shouldnt waste your paint unless your really doing something.

I'm actually using my ink every now and then to fix small things that assholes ruin for no reason. Like this couple painted a heart and someone scribbled through the side of it, so I matched the colors the best I could and fixed it. I had a similar thing I had done((multiple times, not including fixing and re-fixing them)) and some asshole scribbled through it. So yeah.

yes it took about 4-8 months for the pictures, and a long time for the N, but not too long because THERE FORUM ACTUALLY HELPED.

IF WE DON'T WANT TO, WE DON'T WANT TO. JESUS CHRIST. I'm NOT going to attempt anything nice after seeing some of the rather amazing saved stuff in there. I just don't want to. STOP HASSLING US IF WE DON'T WANT TO.

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