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What Melee moves would you like to see.


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They mentioned some grapple moves being in VCS and I'm sure they're going to be in GTA4. They sound cool, I hope I will be able to pick someone up and drop 'em of the building or into the water or even into the way of a train. :evil:

I also want a bigger variety of kicks and punches, maybe involving using the analog stick for more control.

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Bayonet charges, and rifle butt hits. Oh and knife throwing.

THIS IS PUNCH AND KICK!!!!!Rifle butts and knife throwing ain't punch & kick!

Anyway here is my full list

Neck snap (strength of like 50%) If SA features return

Crouch kick

Eye socket breaker (Stun enemy/victim)


Round house.

Karate... chop?


Trip over (Vulerable to ground kicks and can't attack)

Block (loses most of the melee your opponent used.

Strangle (Stun move aswell)

Ear pull :rofl2:

Eye poke :rofl2:

Head butt

Shin kick

Elbow to face

Nudgie! :rofl2: (Player gets the oppenents head and rubs his hair)

Knee to crouch or stomach

Punch to stomach

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Oh sorry man, I didn't read the "New Punch and Kick Moves?" part of the title, I just saw the main "What Melee Moves Would You Like To See"...

Then in this case:


Bicycle Kick


Headbutts..? (does it belong here..?)

That is all...

I'd like to see some moves that were in Dead Rising.

Judo Throw

Football Tackle

Wall Kick

Face Slam

Jump Kick

That kind of stuff.

To Tec9,

those are pretty good moves, why didn't I think of them.

To Shifty,

Those are pretty much some moves that I used, but I didn't think of headbutting!

Yes, it does belong here, it's fighting moves for GTAIV that you can do without any weapons except your body parts.

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Or you could just start stomping on them and rotate your body until your foot is stomping on the person's head or balls. But more realistic would be more cool, like if you can punch them in the balls while they're standing and then they will scream, grab their crouch and slowly fall to the ground in agony. Would be a cool and funny addition to GTA fighting. :lol:

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