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  1. Bitch its a Dollar here :D

  2. That is what I was referring to, yeah. Online FPS, it's free which is chill but they still scam you from making you pay real money for the top of the line guns/vests/characters/etc. That's not a scam. That's benefits from donating, and unless they don't give you the stuff, it's not a scam at all.
  3. Everything but the porn part since last week.
  4. It's animal instinct, that when someone threatens or challenges you, that you fight the person. If you have no faight in the future of humanity, what about most of the animals on earth? There's being a slave to your instincts and then there's using your fucking brain. These idiots chose to adhere to the former and paid the price. Yes, I am calling the dead student an idiot, but he was far from the only one. If you let yourself be messed with, you'll look weak, and others will mess with you.
  5. Not really. The PS3 came out in 2006, it's now 2009. Seeing as the PS1, 2, and 3 each came out about 6 years apart, we're probably about half way to the date when the PS4 will be released. The PS4 is likely already under development. Wat. My friend, the PS3 is going to be here for a LONG TIME. It's only been about 2 years in total since it came out, why in words would they start developing a new console, if you ask me, if they were developing it now, it wouldn't have all these improvements, and it won't have better graphics than the PS3, hell no. And if you believe PS4 is in development, prove it, from a trusted source. I don't think so. Likely: # has a good chance of being the case or of coming about; "these services are likely to be available to us all before long"; "she is likely to ... # probable: likely but not certain to be or become true or real; "a likely result"; "he foresaw a probable loss" # expected to become or be; in prospect; "potential clients" # probably: with considerable certainty; without much doubt; "He is probably out of the country"; "in all likelihood we are headed for war" # within the realm of credibility; "not a very likely excuse"
  6. It's animal instinct, that when someone threatens or challenges you, that you fight the person. If you have no faight in the future of humanity, what about most of the animals on earth?
  7. This person just tries too hard. Or should we ban PE too, because they see each other naked in the shower afterwards? OH GOD MY KID GET MENTEL TRAUMER, PLZ BAN.
  8. Gas prices? They're just under 2 dollars pr. liter. Fuck you.

  9. Creator here. I can't be arsed to put more work into it, but if you PM me with links, or maybe a totally revamped version of the topic, I'll post it in the original post.
  10. Well, I haven't had a virus in a long time, but I recently had a nasty one. It started out with trying to download about 20-30 .exe's, that my anti-virus blocked all but four of. One seemed to be a Blaster worm(Shutdown in 60 seconds screen, which I managed to stop). Then it slowed down my computer ALOT, wouldn't even let me start firefox, and froze my explorer.exe . Luckily I got rid of it. Which virus is the worst one you've had?
  11. You're an idiot, for saying that shit. Bravo.
  12. And when you say 'copy' I hope you're not talking about a crack?! Cuz if you are then that might be your problem! And how might that be his problem?
  13. I would've helped you out too, if I had version two. And to Angry Gorilla: Stop being such a wuss. I doubt you know anything about cracks for these games. There are at least 100 cracks for San Andreas, and the main.scm is NOT going to help anyone make a no-CD crack. Main.SCM is only a container of information, not something that checks if the CD is in the tray.
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