GTA IV Box Art Unveiled, Trailer 3 Announced

By Chris | 28th Nov 2007 at 18:32 GMT in GTA IV | 65 Comments

Finally some long awaited news on Grand Theft Auto IV. We had an email from the R* Webmaster today letting us know the official box art for GTA IV has now been revealed (see that below), and that we now have a date for the third trailer titled "Move up, ladies". Hitting your screens on 6th December at 3PM EST. Also below is a short clip of the box art being painted.


Link: Official GTA IV website

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 28th November, 2007 @ 18:34 - Permalink

i do love the box art it is damn cool!

A NEW TRAILER? yay! can't wait!

TM™'s photo
TM™ 28th November, 2007 @ 18:52 - Permalink

That is a nice boxart, although it's the same style, I like it. The next trailer's gonna be sweet, I just hope it gets us more into the gameplay and the whole story.

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 28th November, 2007 @ 18:54 - Permalink

yeah but i dont want them to give too much away though...

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 28th November, 2007 @ 19:26 - Permalink

finally :D boxart looks pretty good

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 28th November, 2007 @ 20:22 - Permalink

I think my boxart came pretty close. :P

Gycu's photo
Gycu 28th November, 2007 @ 20:40 - Permalink

This is awesome ... R* let us in the dark but now they really impressed me :) Can't wait for the trailer ... One week left :D

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 28th November, 2007 @ 20:43 - Permalink

Maybe the release date will be on the new trailer.. Or not. It'd be cool though.

Boxart looks great, and I can't wait for the new trailer.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 28th November, 2007 @ 20:45 - Permalink

I find it odd because there is an Age Verification for the clip ... I see nothing disturbing in that video ... Just a cool video about some guys painting the box art :huh:

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 28th November, 2007 @ 21:55 - Permalink

Just saw this at another site, before here... (bookmarked directly to forums)

Looks good, though the boxart style remains the same... Hope the new trailer gives something away.

I'd just like to add there may be a few new screens floating around, some seem to be HQ's clipped from the trailers, but i'll upload the ones i didn't think i'd seen before here... ;)







Yeah, we've definitely seen some of those before....

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 28th November, 2007 @ 21:59 - Permalink

the boat screen is the newest ive seen, city looks good

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 28th November, 2007 @ 22:08 - Permalink

None of those screens are new.. They're actually pretty old.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 28th November, 2007 @ 22:21 - Permalink

Classic boxart trends, nice. I like. Notice the helicopter in the top left, a picture of what looks like the main character, the motorcycle, and what seems to be a new feature/vehicle((cable car)). Oh, and a female. Probably with absolutely NO role in the game, of course.

Any other GTA boxart trends?

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 28th November, 2007 @ 22:21 - Permalink

The first and fifth looked new to me...

The first, fourth and sixth definitely aren't new.

EDIT: NRG - 900... just what i was waiting for.

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 28th November, 2007 @ 22:29 - Permalink

Boxart lookin' SAWEET!

I hope the new trailer is a special christmas one that shows winter (If there is winter) in Liberty City.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 28th November, 2007 @ 22:47 - Permalink

I like the fact there's a new trailer but I think the boxart is not one of the best rockstar made... it's still cool.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 28th November, 2007 @ 23:45 - Permalink
:D Fucking Sweet. thats all i can say
tilly's photo
tilly 29th November, 2007 @ 02:01 - Permalink

dude the boxart is EPIC!

GTAking's photo
GTAking 29th November, 2007 @ 02:34 - Permalink

i thought i was the only 1 that noticed the helicopter in the top left

MishoM's photo
MishoM 29th November, 2007 @ 03:06 - Permalink

The boxart looks good, I'm actually glad they didn't use a whole new design to be honest. I suppose the trailer will end in a release date, or at least a release month to give us an idea of when we'll get our hands on it.

Its like August all over again! :)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 29th November, 2007 @ 05:20 - Permalink
dude the boxart is EPIC!

Do you know the definition of an epic?, jk. I have to know the entire definition word for word by the end of my World Literature class and I find it funny now when I see the word.

Anyways, the boxart is pretty good, I like it a lot.

Let's compare the box arts...


bigpimpininda818's photo
bigpimpininda818 29th November, 2007 @ 07:31 - Permalink

man why there has to be a helicopter in the left corner of every box from gta 3 to gta iv

Swifty's photo
Swifty 29th November, 2007 @ 13:05 - Permalink

Two things, first & foremost The lettering on the side of the bike "NRG 900RR" :D I though the NRG 500 was fast so this new one should break the sound barrier.

Second thing is the cable car is in the exact same place as the Tram on the SA boxart, hopefully this doesn't mean they will be just as useless when it comes to the gameplay.

Can't wait for that new trailer.

I feel like Columbo now but, Just one last thing. Does any one else think that the boxart version of Niko looks a bit like Jason Statham (The Transporter)?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th November, 2007 @ 21:25 - Permalink

Good news all round, dont think the trailer will hold the release date like but it would be good if they did.

Anyway what does 3PM EST mean in UK time?

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 29th November, 2007 @ 21:37 - Permalink
Good news all round, dont think the trailer will hold the release date like but it would be good if they did.

Anyway what does 3PM EST mean in UK time?

It means Eastern Standard Time. East Coast of the US.

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 29th November, 2007 @ 21:40 - Permalink

he meant in uk time, i think its like 4-5 hours behind us. so like 11am or 12pm....i think :/

smallpancake's photo
smallpancake 30th November, 2007 @ 00:41 - Permalink

It would be 8PM in UK.

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 30th November, 2007 @ 01:13 - Permalink

Has anyone noticed how the lisence plate on Niko's car is backwards/reversed? But the cop car's isn't.

The cop cars lisence plate is also very differant from Niko's. Are cop car's lisence plates always differant from normal cars?

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th November, 2007 @ 01:24 - Permalink
Has anyone noticed how the lisence plate on Niko's car is backwards/reversed? But the cop car's isn't.

The cop cars lisence plate is also very differant from Niko's. Are cop car's lisence plates always differant from normal cars?

Did you also notice that Niko is featured several times on the Box art?

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 30th November, 2007 @ 01:54 - Permalink
The boxart looks good, I'm actually glad they didn't use a whole new design to be honest. I suppose the trailer will end in a release date, or at least a release month to give us an idea of when we'll get our hands on it.

Its like August all over again! :)

i hope they will tell us the release date. we have been waiting for ages

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 30th November, 2007 @ 02:33 - Permalink
The cop cars lisence plate is also very differant from Niko's. Are cop car's lisence plates always differant from normal cars?

In real life, yes. But then again, in real life, license plates are on the BACK of cars, not the front.....

Has anyone noticed how the lisence plate on Niko's car is backwards/reversed? But the cop car's isn't.

The cop cars lisence plate is also very differant from Niko's. Are cop car's lisence plates always differant from normal cars?

Did you also notice that Niko is featured several times on the Box art?

At the very MOST he is featured twice. And even that is debatable. It's ACTUALLY debatable of whether he's featured at all, really.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 30th November, 2007 @ 02:46 - Permalink

1. ... License plates are on the front of cars also.. I mean, come on. Are you serious?

2. I counted 3. 1- The top middle, 2- The top left corner(helicopter), The car in the bottom left corner. He might be in the cable car too.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th November, 2007 @ 02:58 - Permalink
At the very MOST he is featured twice. And even that is debatable. It's ACTUALLY debatable of whether he's featured at all, really.

I doubt that there would be two characters that look identicle. The top middle has to be him. The helicopter seems to be the same as the other helicopter one, but altered a bit and the one in the car is large enough to see his face pretty clearly. I was thinking about the guy in the cable car as well, but it's WAY to hard to tell.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 30th November, 2007 @ 03:15 - Permalink

I counted four. Look at one of the people fighting inside the air-lift thingy.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 30th November, 2007 @ 03:49 - Permalink

MishoM is right it's 4. I'm pretty sure the guy on the motorbike isn't Niko.

bigpimpininda818's photo
bigpimpininda818 30th November, 2007 @ 05:07 - Permalink

i think that the guy in the motorcycle is the same guy wit the sniper just a guess

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th November, 2007 @ 05:13 - Permalink
MishoM is right it's 4. I'm pretty sure the guy on the motorbike isn't Niko.


Looks like it's possible, but it's still too hard to tell. You could somewhat see the 5 O’clock shadow and the receding hairline. The cloths also look roughly the same.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 30th November, 2007 @ 06:17 - Permalink
1. ... License plates are on the front of cars also.. I mean, come on. Are you serious?

2. I counted 3. 1- The top middle, 2- The top left corner(helicopter), The car in the bottom left corner. He might be in the cable car too.

No, not really. The front of a car doesn't have to have a plate of any sort at all, none-the-less one with digits on it like that.

At the very MOST he is featured twice. And even that is debatable. It's ACTUALLY debatable of whether he's featured at all, really.

I doubt that there would be two characters that look identicle. The top middle has to be him. The helicopter seems to be the same as the other helicopter one, but altered a bit and the one in the car is large enough to see his face pretty clearly. I was thinking about the guy in the cable car as well, but it's WAY to hard to tell.

Maybe not two identical characters, but an art depiction of someone who ISN'T a character but looks like the main character on the boxart? Wouldn't be a first.

And NO one notices the fact that the guy with the cell phone has the same receding hairline AND his big nose....

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th November, 2007 @ 12:58 - Permalink
1. ... License plates are on the front of cars also.. I mean, come on. Are you serious?

2. I counted 3. 1- The top middle, 2- The top left corner(helicopter), The car in the bottom left corner. He might be in the cable car too.

No, not really. The front of a car doesn't have to have a plate of any sort at all, none-the-less one with digits on it like that.

At the very MOST he is featured twice. And even that is debatable. It's ACTUALLY debatable of whether he's featured at all, really.

I doubt that there would be two characters that look identicle. The top middle has to be him. The helicopter seems to be the same as the other helicopter one, but altered a bit and the one in the car is large enough to see his face pretty clearly. I was thinking about the guy in the cable car as well, but it's WAY to hard to tell.

Maybe not two identical characters, but an art depiction of someone who ISN'T a character but looks like the main character on the boxart? Wouldn't be a first.

And NO one notices the fact that the guy with the cell phone has the same receding hairline AND his big nose....

Ok, so it's just a coincidence that the characters have the same cloths on... Thanks for clearing that up.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 30th November, 2007 @ 14:54 - Permalink

Oh my GOD. I pointed a simple fact. That's all. No one where did I say that Niko wasn't on the boxart. All I said was that it was debatable because past boxarts have had characters on it that looked like the main character but could've been someone else.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 30th November, 2007 @ 17:15 - Permalink

Great boxart, even though the style hasn't changed, and it's just 6 days until the 3rd trailer is released! Great news. :D

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th November, 2007 @ 18:01 - Permalink
Oh my GOD. I pointed a simple fact. That's all. No one where did I say that Niko wasn't on the boxart. All I said was that it was debatable because past boxarts have had characters on it that looked like the main character but could've been someone else.

Really???...which ones?

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 30th November, 2007 @ 18:05 - Permalink

Ermm, San Andreas, I do believe. Also had some art that looked like CJ and supposedly wasn't or something.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 1st December, 2007 @ 00:07 - Permalink

Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

But license plates are on the front of cars occasionally down here, but they're also on the back. I don't see the point in it to be honest, why the hell would they want them on the front and back.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 1st December, 2007 @ 03:16 - Permalink
Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

But license plates are on the front of cars occasionally down here, but they're also on the back. I don't see the point in it to be honest, why the hell would they want them on the front and back.

It has to do with parking. If you park with your car facing out (with the back of your car facing the front of the car behind you) so you could just pull out quickly, well then a cop strolling by couldn't see your license plate could he? It would be on the back, which wouldn't be visible due to the way you parked. Thats why they used to have them on both sides, as far as I know. No one really puts a license plate on the front anymore, at least I don't see it.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 1st December, 2007 @ 03:42 - Permalink
Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

Oh, really. Which piece of artwork on the SA box art looks like it could be CJ?

Artur's photo
Artur 1st December, 2007 @ 06:35 - Permalink

New boxart looks pretty sick, similar to previous versions but doesn't look as cartoony and a new style which I like. Can't wait for the trailer, I knew some new news was gonna come soon. :)

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 1st December, 2007 @ 06:38 - Permalink

It's great that Niko is on the cover of this one. Actually the art style has changed a bit. It looks more realistic. I think it is to acomodate the new more realistic gameplay. I just wish we had a solid launch date for the game. Excited for the trailer though. Just six days. Judging from the title, it might have soimething to do with the dating in the game. Just thinkin. Most likely not though.

Artur's photo
Artur 1st December, 2007 @ 06:56 - Permalink

That's the word I was looking for "realistic". Totally agree with you on that one fatalgamer. "Move Up, Ladies" could be something thue dating but then again the last trailer was called "Looking for That Special Someone" so we don't know what to expect from R*. I'm not sure what I want to see in this trailer though, probably a lot of the new features that have been announced so far. A little more reveaing of the story but not too much. Can't wait though.

tilly's photo
tilly 1st December, 2007 @ 08:49 - Permalink

maybe niko is actually a transgender...


Red_91's photo
Red_91 1st December, 2007 @ 12:20 - Permalink

I am not really fussed by the boxart if you know what I mean, I am only bothered about the game. The boxart doesn't bother me one bit. I think I am expecting an April/May release now since the third trailer is around now. Maybe even February the new relase date.

Anyway do you think they will release the official map of the game?

d0gz1lla's photo
d0gz1lla 1st December, 2007 @ 12:34 - Permalink

In here (europe) we have licence plates on both sides, just like someone mentioned, so the cops can easly chek it out. In here you must have 2 licence plates by the law, or soon there will be a patrol reminding you to fix it.

Im amused whit the guy holding his cell phone and his gun at the same time. Since they said many things will be organized threw cell phone, is it posible to shoot and call your buddys and stuff while in action? Just a tought, your runing from a local gang, you cant take them out all alone, you call a friend and comes whit a get away car. That would be cool.

Either way, Box art look cool, like all GTA box arts have until now.

p.s: guess we are getting christmas present a bit sooner, on december 6. :)

cya all

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 1st December, 2007 @ 17:44 - Permalink
That's the word I was looking for "realistic". Totally agree with you on that one fatalgamer. "Move Up, Ladies" could be something thue dating but then again the last trailer was called "Looking for That Special Someone" so we don't know what to expect from R*. I'm not sure what I want to see in this trailer though, probably a lot of the new features that have been announced so far. A little more reveaing of the story but not too much. Can't wait though.

It will probably be cause someone in the trailer says "Move up, Ladies", you know like in the last ones. I'm pretty sure that is what it will be. Your right, we don't know what to expect from Rockstar, except one thing, TOTAL SATISFACTION!

MishoM's photo
MishoM 1st December, 2007 @ 21:09 - Permalink

I hope they forget the whole dating thing and don't have it in the game at all. Niko looks like a guy who's got bigger problems than women troubles.

fire boy's photo
fire boy 2nd December, 2007 @ 04:21 - Permalink

with the whole number plate thing in nz we have to have number plates on the front and the back for the same reason someone else mentioned and also regarding the police cars plates i assume that they are the cruisers i.d. numbers. but at the end of the day they are just number plates!! :P

peach's photo
peach 2nd December, 2007 @ 06:03 - Permalink

hmm, i can't believe no one has commented on the possible sidekick in the bottom left, right where lance and cesar were in previous gta games.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 2nd December, 2007 @ 06:22 - Permalink
hmm, i can't believe no one has commented on the possible sidekick in the bottom left, right where lance and cesar were in previous gta games.

oh yer 2shae

Dazza's photo
Dazza 2nd December, 2007 @ 09:32 - Permalink

Could be Roman?

Meh, I just want the game, trailer = awesome, but box art? Wouldn't the box art be different for the Special Edition anyway?

shaunw's photo
shaunw 2nd December, 2007 @ 10:43 - Permalink

sweet box art

that could be roman in the corner but i thought is would be the guy on the cell because they kinda look the same

i hope they reveal the release date in the 3rd trailer

El Patron's photo
El Patron 2nd December, 2007 @ 14:21 - Permalink

Very nice box art imo, it looks like San Andreas's one, and that's pretty cool !

Good job Rockstar !

RICHIE1974's photo
RICHIE1974 2nd December, 2007 @ 22:43 - Permalink

cool boxart. lookin 4ward 2 the 3rd trailer. like everyone else here said i also hope the release date is in the 3rd trailer but wouldnt hold my breath. anyone else notice the ps3 80 gig available now? going for 0.00 also. thats the one i was waiting for. now i will buy it. about the liscense plates being on the fronts of cars when i lived in iowa they had them on the front and the back both and in illinois as well. but only the back plate had to have the renew sticker.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 2nd December, 2007 @ 22:59 - Permalink

Yeah.. I'd like to see the release date on the 3rd trailer..

Where in Iowa did you live?

mark123's photo
mark123 3rd December, 2007 @ 11:59 - Permalink
cool boxart. lookin 4ward 2 the 3rd trailer. like everyone else here said i also hope the release date is in the 3rd trailer but wouldnt hold my breath. anyone else notice the ps3 80 gig available now? going for 0.00 also. thats the one i was waiting for. now i will buy it. about the liscense plates being on the fronts of cars when i lived in iowa they had them on the front and the back both and in illinois as well. but only the back plate had to have the renew sticker.

RICHIE1974, dont waste your money on a 80GB model.. just buy the 60GB ( 40gb isnt backwards compatible) and then upgrade the harddrive for it.. you can get like a 160+GB for about £80 .. 0ish but probably less cause we get taxed a b*** over doesnt validate the warrenty according to the sony helpline..

go on google and search for any 2.5" SAT hardrive and it will work with the ps3.. you just need to format it as soon as you put it in and away you go.

thats the beauty of a ps3 :)

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 3rd December, 2007 @ 12:28 - Permalink
Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

But license plates are on the front of cars occasionally down here, but they're also on the back. I don't see the point in it to be honest, why the hell would they want them on the front and back.

It has to do with parking. If you park with your car facing out (with the back of your car facing the front of the car behind you) so you could just pull out quickly, well then a cop strolling by couldn't see your license plate could he? It would be on the back, which wouldn't be visible due to the way you parked. Thats why they used to have them on both sides, as far as I know. No one really puts a license plate on the front anymore, at least I don't see it.

The stupid cunts are too lazy to walk around the back of the car? Wow....

Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

Oh, really. Which piece of artwork on the SA box art looks like it could be CJ?

Dude with the bandana over his face.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 3rd December, 2007 @ 20:18 - Permalink
Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

But license plates are on the front of cars occasionally down here, but they're also on the back. I don't see the point in it to be honest, why the hell would they want them on the front and back.

It has to do with parking. If you park with your car facing out (with the back of your car facing the front of the car behind you) so you could just pull out quickly, well then a cop strolling by couldn't see your license plate could he? It would be on the back, which wouldn't be visible due to the way you parked. Thats why they used to have them on both sides, as far as I know. No one really puts a license plate on the front anymore, at least I don't see it.

The stupid cunts are too lazy to walk around the back of the car? Wow....

Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

Oh, really. Which piece of artwork on the SA box art looks like it could be CJ?

Dude with the bandana over his face.

Well I suppose they used to be. My uncle once told me some cop who was an enormous ass gave him a ticket for not having a plate on the front as well back a while ago (years ago). I guess they eased up now...

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 3rd December, 2007 @ 20:23 - Permalink
Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

But license plates are on the front of cars occasionally down here, but they're also on the back. I don't see the point in it to be honest, why the hell would they want them on the front and back.

It has to do with parking. If you park with your car facing out (with the back of your car facing the front of the car behind you) so you could just pull out quickly, well then a cop strolling by couldn't see your license plate could he? It would be on the back, which wouldn't be visible due to the way you parked. Thats why they used to have them on both sides, as far as I know. No one really puts a license plate on the front anymore, at least I don't see it.

The stupid cunts are too lazy to walk around the back of the car? Wow....

Yeah, Spaz is right. Not sure if it's Niko or not, but about the CJ shit yes, he is right.

Oh, really. Which piece of artwork on the SA box art looks like it could be CJ?

Dude with the bandana over his face.

CJ didn't start off bald... These supposed artworks of Niko at least look closely similar.

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