Two More Cheats

By Chris | 20th Feb 2005 at 17:42 GMT in San Andreas | 5 Comments

Yet again edisoncarter has found a couple more cheats

Have 6 Star Wanted Level:


Never Wanted:


The Cheats page has been updated accordingly.


Sherman's photo
Sherman 20th February, 2005 @ 18:18 - Permalink

Whoa, thats awesome.. I wont have to put in the cb now >=)

Chris's photo
Chris 20th February, 2005 @ 19:54 - Permalink

Yep, I think GTASanAn are holding edisoncarter hostage and whenever there is a lack of GTA news they force him to release a couple of codes...

zimoo's photo
zimoo 20th February, 2005 @ 20:25 - Permalink

That never wanted cheat sounds pretty cool, might give it a try later

Airashii's photo
Airashii 20th February, 2005 @ 22:26 - Permalink

Yeah, why can't he just realease all the damn cheats at once?

well, thank you for those, i'll be sure to give them a go.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 20th February, 2005 @ 23:37 - Permalink
Yeah, why can't he just realease all the damn cheats at once?

well, thank you for those, i'll be sure to give them a go.

I think he can only release them as he finds them. :huh:

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