GTA IV Preview in Computerbild-Spiele With New Screens

By Chris | 6th Feb 2008 at 23:37 GMT in GTA IV | 12 Comments

German gaming magazine Computerbild-Spiele has a new 5 page preview of GTA IV, which includes 11 new gameplay screenshots and a new artwork. It's a hands-on preview so the journalists could do what they want rather than having a R* rep demonstrating.

Below is a short summary of the new information contained in the magazine:

  • The game is set in 2008
  • It seems that Niko always wears a helmet when riding a motorcycle
  • When getting in a car, you now press two buttons to begin driving - one to get in, and one to start the engine
  • In some cars you'll find useful items, such as money or a weapon.
  • You can still get "wasted" and just like old time you'll respawn at the nearest hospital, minus your weapons and a little cash
  • Bullet holes in vehicles and buildings won't disappear immediately

Thanks to Freezer89 for the information and scans @ GTAForums

Noru's photo
Noru 6th February, 2008 @ 23:58 - Permalink

Nice, I like how they said Bullet holes in vehicles and buildings won't disappear immediately and When getting in a car, you now press two buttons to begin driving - one to get in, and one to start the engine. Thanks for the news

Sherman's photo
Sherman 7th February, 2008 @ 00:00 - Permalink

Another button to crank up the car huh? Could we see hotwiring in the game? (Or did I read that somewhere else..)

Ivan's photo
Ivan 7th February, 2008 @ 00:01 - Permalink

Xaozon already posted this...

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 7th February, 2008 @ 00:02 - Permalink

Some info wasn't in his post...

Finding items on cars seems pretty cool.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 7th February, 2008 @ 03:45 - Permalink
Another button to crank up the car huh? Could we see hotwiring in the game? (Or did I read that somewhere else..)

Yeah, I remember previous reviews stating that in GTAIV you have to break open locks on doors for buildings and that you had to some times hotwire vehicles before you could drive off, which includes breaking the window first to open the door.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 7th February, 2008 @ 07:18 - Permalink

I actually can't wait for this game now lol.

Hopefully April will come soon lol, just over 2 months

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 7th February, 2008 @ 08:23 - Permalink

The bullet holes in vehicles is cool. I can't wait for this game to come out.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 7th February, 2008 @ 09:35 - Permalink

Kinda confusing, first they say the game is set in October 2007, then a magazine says it's set in 2006 and now that it's set in 2008. Hopefully 2008 is the right time.

Sounds interesting that you can find money/weapons in a car, but it would me more interesting if you could find something in the trunk ( in GTA 3 Real Mod you could find magazines/health kits etc. )

mark123's photo
mark123 7th February, 2008 @ 14:33 - Permalink

none of what i'm saying is useful its just my thoughts..

The game is set in 2008

- kinda obvious really saying as they wanted oct 2007 as the release date to be the date in the game. so it'll prob be autumn time or winter 2008 in the game

It seems that Niko always wears a helmet when riding a motorcycle

- well like its been mentioned before this will be pretty dissapointing if its a helmit that just appears from no where .. saying as rockstar is making this the most realistic of all the series

When getting in a car, you now press two buttons to begin driving - one to get in, and one to start the engine

- finally! i always wanted a car that you could start the engine with a botton i know thats stupid, but its in the burnout paradise game.. i think they've taken the damage engine and the car engine starting with (R2) from teh game cause the damage in that screen we saw before looks very similar ( althought obviously its not a copyright issue its just very similar)I

n some cars you'll find useful items, such as money or a weapon.

- does this mean , fancy cars=money... beat up car=weapons? it might be helpful but i dont know if it will .. i'l just use weapons cheats thank you very much.. and before anyone shouts.. it makes the game fun! cause you can just walk up to someone n bazooca their ass! talking of bazoocas...if bullet holes make a hole in the houses maybe the bazooca could do some damage to them too

You can still get "wasted" and just like old time you'll respawn at the nearest hospital, minus your weapons and a little cash

-same ol' same old , hope some other features from the previous gta's are there too cause i'll miss some if they aint.

Bullet holes in vehicles and buildings won't disappear immediately

- i wonder if you can shoot people through doors now.. instead of just throuh the windscreen like in the old ones.. cause that always annoyed me n it wasnt realistic since bullets would pass straight through most cars!!

anyway what i said wasnt useful just what i thought.

cant wait for this game, although april 29th just the date university stops and exam leave starts.. so the games going in the drawr for a month or two unfortunetly

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 7th February, 2008 @ 19:40 - Permalink
  • The game is set in 2008
Makes sense, if it stuck to the original release date, it would just feel wrong.

It seems that Niko always wears a helmet when riding a motorcycle
Hopefully you have to physically put the helmet on, because, as mark said, if it just appears from thin air, it would just be a last-gen feature being carried over into the current.

When getting in a car, you now press two buttons to begin driving - one to get in, and one to start the engine.
I don't want this to get fiddly, especially if you're escaping from an on-foot cop(s) and they're right behind you. I wonder how it'll be implemented.

In some cars you'll find useful items, such as money or a weapon.
It used to be police cars you'd get a weapon from, so this sounds decent. I'd like to know what sort of cars give you the weapon or cash, though.

You can still get "wasted" and just like old time you'll respawn at the nearest hospital, minus your weapons and a little cash
If you can buy back your weapons like VCS, I'll be happy.

Bullet holes in vehicles and buildings won't disappear immediately

Ideally, some environment damage would be good. Nothing major, just a few things like the scarred remains of a petrol bomb or grenade.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 7th February, 2008 @ 20:20 - Permalink

i like the bullet holes, and the that you can find cash and weapns in cars.. sweet

Red_91's photo
Red_91 7th February, 2008 @ 22:12 - Permalink

people might not like the idea of pressing two buttons to get the car up and running but I am sure you can keep the car engine running.

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