GTA IV HUD Revealed

By Chris | 31st Mar 2008 at 13:30 GMT in GTA IV | 19 Comments

The GTA IV HUD has been revealed in two photos appearing in the latest issue of the Australian edition of ZOO magazine. The photos below show it to be pretty minimal, only the radar seems to show permanently - we imagine wanted stars will only appear when you've actually got some, and weapons will only display when they're being changed. The two semi-circles around the radar are for health and armour. Click the thumbnails below for the full size images.

gta-iv-hud-zoo-au-1_th.jpg gta-iv-hud-zoo-au-2_th.jpg

Thanks to Amunication for posting these.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 31st March, 2008 @ 13:35 - Permalink

Hmm, a minimal HUD? Well, that's nice and clean... But will hammerspace be still implemented, or will they adopt a primary-secondary-equipment system? Anyway, this might give way to a new HUD mod for San Andreas or something, which will be likely to be a DLL hook...

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 31st March, 2008 @ 13:35 - Permalink

OMFG! Finally!

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 31st March, 2008 @ 13:41 - Permalink
OMFG! Finally!

Maybe I'll revise my Photoshopped pic of a *typical* GTAIV safe house... :w00t:

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 31st March, 2008 @ 13:49 - Permalink

Nice, when a weapon is selected, I presume that just fades in and out on screen? I like the look definitely. I see that the traditional North symbol on the radar still remains, as well.

Cadaver's photo
Cadaver 31st March, 2008 @ 13:52 - Permalink

So wait, is that in-game footage? Is that how the game looks when you're actually playing the game, rather than how it looks during a cut-sequence? Am I wrong - why is no-one showing any excitment - we've been waiting for in-game footage for ages....

Chris's photo
Chris 31st March, 2008 @ 13:54 - Permalink

70% of the fourth trailer was in-game footage, there was just no HUD visible and the cameras were being controller by R*.

But of course, these are in-game, you don't see HUDs in cut-scenes in any game.

Cadaver's photo
Cadaver 31st March, 2008 @ 13:59 - Permalink
70% of the fourth trailer was in-game footage, there was just no HUD visible and the cameras were being controller by R*.

But of course, these are in-game, you don't see HUDs in cut-scenes in any game.

Oh, ok - here's me thinking this was something special. You see, I thought R* were not gonna release in-game footage till near the launch. It looks good, doesn't it? Wow, here's me thinking that all of the latest trailer was cut scenes and movie screens. But wait, didn't someone say that the latest trailer wouldn't include in-game footage?

Jet's photo
Jet 31st March, 2008 @ 14:53 - Permalink

WTF? healt AND armor? I thought there was no armor, because of the new covering system >.<

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 31st March, 2008 @ 15:02 - Permalink

So you don't know most of the features.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 31st March, 2008 @ 15:06 - Permalink

Looks a bit like previous GTA's. Except that the N thing is slightly smaller. Looks good though.

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 31st March, 2008 @ 15:21 - Permalink

Wow, the streets look pretty dense.

I still would of preferred the classic GTA hud though... Still, it looks nice.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 31st March, 2008 @ 15:38 - Permalink

Interesting ... I like it! :D I always wanted a minimal HUD

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 31st March, 2008 @ 15:38 - Permalink

I prefer the old hud, but it still looks pretty good. I can't wait to play this game!

Chris's photo
Chris 31st March, 2008 @ 15:50 - Permalink

Although I always liked the GTA HUDs, I much prefer minimal ones, like the one GTA IV has, I think it's a great improvement myself.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 31st March, 2008 @ 16:51 - Permalink

The HUD looks normal to me. It will do for me because I aint too fussed about these things, I'd just be worried if you dont have a HDTV with the size of that hud, it'll be difficult to see it. Good HUD but I dont think R* should have released it.

mutu's photo
mutu 31st March, 2008 @ 17:07 - Permalink

I like the new HUD system but im not sure what to say about the health and armour system, always been used to have it up in the right corner of the screen, but I guess I'll get used to it. And the HUD is very good detailed. And the rest of the picture looks quite good I must say.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 31st March, 2008 @ 17:10 - Permalink

My only concern is not being able to see your weapons. I hope I can view how much ammo I have and what weapon is equipped but not just so when you select it appears then fades, I'd rather it stayed there or when your using it anyway.

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 31st March, 2008 @ 17:39 - Permalink
My only concern is not being able to see your weapons. I hope I can view how much ammo I have and what weapon is equipped but not just so when you select it appears then fades, I'd rather it stayed there or when your using it anyway.

Maybe they just decided to switch it off to see more of liberty?

You could do it in other GTA 's so it would be a possibility.

mutu's photo
mutu 31st March, 2008 @ 17:46 - Permalink

Maybe when you don't have your weapon in your hand you won't be able to see it. Then it fades and if you start shooting it shows the status, maybe.

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