Prostitutes Pay You Cheat

By Chris | 25th Mar 2005 at 17:55 GMT in San Andreas | 4 Comments

edisoncarter found another cheat, this one makes prostitutes pay YOU. Although if you've already done the pimping missions this happens already. This was the 2nd supposedly unknown cheat, but Bone on GTAForums found out it's use. We still have the 1st unknown cheat we posted earlier, that is still a mystery as to what it does.

Prostitutes Pay You:

If you've already done the pimping missions, this already happens.


Unknown Cheat

This cheat does absolutely nothing


For all the cheats on one page click here.

UPDATE: edisoncarter says the unknown cheat does nothing at all.

Steven's photo
Steven 26th March, 2005 @ 04:47 - Permalink

he he he .. i'll do this when i start a new game. :thumbsup:

SanAndreas1829's photo
SanAndreas1829 26th March, 2005 @ 05:31 - Permalink

cool. i guess this was JUST released

Respect's photo
Respect 26th March, 2005 @ 17:32 - Permalink

kool another cheat i will try that wen i go back on sanandreas :thumbsup:

Slavik Von Stockholm's photo
Slavik Von Stockholm 3rd April, 2005 @ 03:20 - Permalink

Not a whole lot of money gained, mainly for beginners, and a little sow. I think this cheat sucks.

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