First digital Chinatown Wars screenshots released

By Chris | 22nd Oct 2008 at 02:28 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 20 Comments

Coverage of Chinatown Wars has been somewhat thin on the ground since it's announcement back in July, with interest for the PC version of GTA IV and DLC for the Xbox 360 version being of far greater importance to many fans. Today we do have some GTACW news for you though. EDGE magazine, who previewed Chinatown Wars earlier this month have published their preview online for all to see. The preview is complete with the 8 screenshots provided to the magazine in their original digital form (you may have seen scans of these floating around previously - if not they'll be new to you).

gtacs_destruc2.jpg gtacs_assas.jpg gtacs_rage3.jpg gtacs_meeting.jpg

gtacs_drive1.jpg gtacs_hotwire.jpg gtacs_tattoo1.jpg gtacs_drugmini.jpg

Our Chinatown Wars section isn't quite ready yet, mainly due to the fact we have hardly anything in the way of content to provide - apart from the few details we've posted from magazines, but it'll be appearing some time soon.


GTA Chinatown Wars screenshots

EDGE preview

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 22nd October, 2008 @ 02:45 - Permalink

Looks neat, although the drug-dealing minigame is likely to be shot by the conservative and anti-GTA critics...

Deji's photo
Deji 22nd October, 2008 @ 11:53 - Permalink

Looks like GTA may actually come out on the Wii soon! :o

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 22nd October, 2008 @ 12:08 - Permalink
Looks like GTA may actually come out on the Wii soon! :o

Will we ever see carjacking using the Wiimote, like wave it as if you're opening the door?

jappe66's photo
jappe66 22nd October, 2008 @ 13:52 - Permalink

Are you f*cking serious? Why did they made this game? Oh my goddes...

TM™'s photo
TM™ 22nd October, 2008 @ 15:34 - Permalink
Are you f*cking serious? Why did they made this game? Oh my goddes...

Umm, for people to play? If you don't like this game, then don't bother posting here, this is for people who are interested in the game, not to flame about how shit it is. You all knew it was going to be like this, so you had it coming. Those screens look pretty swell, reminds me of when I used J25 to mod GTA1 and when I went into 3D view, it just looked like that, although the cars were flat.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 22nd October, 2008 @ 17:53 - Permalink

Drug Minigame :rolleyes: Hope it will be in the next GTAs too ... It looks good for a DS game btw, also anyone think the guy in the 2nd picture is the main character, he looks badass.

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd October, 2008 @ 19:06 - Permalink

Judging by the filename I'd assume it's an assassin. ;)

I'm not sure there are any shots of our protagonist yet.

silver163's photo
silver163 22nd October, 2008 @ 19:36 - Permalink

why in the world would they ever make this awful game? seriously. is there going to be some crappy version of gta for my phone?

Ivan's photo
Ivan 22nd October, 2008 @ 19:38 - Permalink
why in the world would they ever make this awful game? seriously. is there going to be some crappy version of gta for my phone?


I like it.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 22nd October, 2008 @ 20:45 - Permalink
why in the world would they ever make this awful game? seriously. is there going to be some crappy version of gta for my phone?

The game isn't coming out for the PS3, 360, Wii (Could possibly in future) or any other console than the DS. It has this type of graphic because it's being used on a HANDHELD console. Think of it this way, it's a completely new style which might become successful. If you don't like it, then don't fucking post, asshole.

Seriously, all you haters out their know you had it coming.

silver163's photo
silver163 22nd October, 2008 @ 23:18 - Permalink
why in the world would they ever make this awful game? seriously. is there going to be some crappy version of gta for my phone?

The game isn't coming out for the PS3, 360, Wii (Could possibly in future) or any other console than the DS. It has this type of graphic because it's being used on a HANDHELD console. Think of it this way, it's a completely new style which might become successful. If you don't like it, then don't fucking post, asshole.

Seriously, all you haters out their know you had it coming.

what you going to cry me a river now? forget the bridge just jump in.

i played the game and it is an awful game. graphics don't bother me so much its all handheld games that do. vice city stories was horrible game cause you do is sit there and squint at that shit. before you start posting your fanboy bullshit how about you actually understand what i post that way you can reduce slightly your appearance of dumbass. you really think mobile games are any good? i play Bubbles during boring lectures or any other time when I don't have anything else to do but it doesn't make it a great game, it sucks but it kills time. Second as far as the graphics, yes they do suck and yes i played Nintendo DS and yes it sucks I prefer the old school Nintendo Gameboys. Wii I played that as well its a bit better than the Nintendo DS but it still has limitations. If you are a fan of Nintendo's new crap then fine but being a little prick about it and insulting me cause I don't like it isn't way to get your point across. Take it from the Apple fanboys they are known to be mindless and violent.

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd October, 2008 @ 23:49 - Permalink


1. I don't believe you've played the game. Enjoy your empty hands.

2. Apple fanboys violent? They're a bunch of pussies.

3. STFU. What TM said wasn't even a fanboy rant, no need to bring that into it, he was just giving an explanation as to why it has shitty graphics. Calm the fuck down.

josef8's photo
josef8 23rd October, 2008 @ 00:53 - Permalink

i know it is a handheld game and that it has limitations... but Gta doesnt do very well in handheld consoles <_<

silver163's photo
silver163 23rd October, 2008 @ 03:06 - Permalink

1. I don't believe you've played the game. Enjoy your empty hands.

2. Apple fanboys violent? They're a bunch of pussies.

3. STFU. What TM said wasn't even a fanboy rant, no need to bring that into it, he was just giving an explanation as to why it has shitty graphics. Calm the fuck down.

1. I don't give a shit if you believe me or not.

2. Yes Apple fanboys do get violent, see what happens if you tell them to their face that the iPhone isn't "breaking technology" and isn't as good as it was made out to be.

3. Perhaps you and him should learn to read? I never spoke about graphics I said the game in general was a horrible game and that was comparing it their other games they have made. I never made any statement about graphics at all. What actually bothers me is the actual GAMEPLAY. perhaps you should calm the fuck down cause obviously you are too excited to read correctly.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 23rd October, 2008 @ 09:28 - Permalink

Actually if you haven't read any news based on CTW then you probably are an idiot, because the game play is actually pretty cool. For additional info check here; - It has this much for the time being.

Oh yeah, the game hasn't been released you dumbfuck, if it was, we all would be playing it now, wouldn't we? So stop lying. Plus when you said it was horrible, I didn't think you meant the whole game in general, I thought you meant the graphics, since a lot of idiots pretty much say that, so I'll apologize for that.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 23rd October, 2008 @ 09:44 - Permalink
Actually if you haven't read any news based on CTW then you probably are an idiot, because the game play is actually pretty cool. For additional info check here; - It has this much for the time being.

Oh yeah, the game hasn't been released you dumbf**k, if it was, we all would be playing it now, wouldn't we? So stop lying. Plus when you said it was horrible, I didn't think you meant the whole game in general, I thought you meant the graphics, since a lot of idiots pretty much say that, so I'll apologize for that.

The fact that detractors often rant at the game's graphics and stuff really disappointed me. They just judge a book by its cover and bash about it.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 23rd October, 2008 @ 11:29 - Permalink
1. I don't give a shit if you believe me or not.

2. Yes Apple fanboys do get violent, see what happens if you tell them to their face that the iPhone isn't "breaking technology" and isn't as good as it was made out to be.

3. Perhaps you and him should learn to read? I never spoke about graphics I said the game in general was a horrible game and that was comparing it their other games they have made. I never made any statement about graphics at all. What actually bothers me is the actual GAMEPLAY. perhaps you should calm the fuck down cause obviously you are too excited to read correctly.

1. You quite obviously do, if you didn't, you'd have just ignored the argument and left it.

2. Really, they are pussies. I know several.

3. Neither you, me, Chris or TM are in any position to criticize the gameplay because you haven't fucking played it. So shut up until you have some half decent evidence to back up your claims.

That is all.

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd October, 2008 @ 14:43 - Permalink

1. I don't believe you've played the game. Enjoy your empty hands.

2. Apple fanboys violent? They're a bunch of pussies.

3. STFU. What TM said wasn't even a fanboy rant, no need to bring that into it, he was just giving an explanation as to why it has shitty graphics. Calm the fuck down.

1. I don't give a shit if you believe me or not.

2. Yes Apple fanboys do get violent, see what happens if you tell them to their face that the iPhone isn't "breaking technology" and isn't as good as it was made out to be.

3. Perhaps you and him should learn to read? I never spoke about graphics I said the game in general was a horrible game and that was comparing it their other games they have made. I never made any statement about graphics at all. What actually bothers me is the actual GAMEPLAY. perhaps you should calm the fuck down cause obviously you are too excited to read correctly.

1. Ok, that was an internet meme and also sarcasm but ok.

2. No, they really don't. Like Llama, I know a few, they just retort with some anti-Microsoft bullshit (if about Macs), or if talking about iPhones they just point out all the good features and how they supposedly outweigh all it's faults.

3. I was just backing up my moderator, the fact he talked about graphics when speaking to you is irrelevant, that's between you and him. I simply pointed out what he was saying. My comprehension ability is just fine thanks.

And no. I'm not excited at all. Just because I run one of the most popular GTA fansites out there doesn't mean my anticipation for each GTA game causes me to permanently have a gigantic raging erection. I don't even have a DS or know anyone who does own one. I'll probably never play this game, just like I didn't play GTA Advance because I wasn't gonna buy the console for just one game.

You know, to have played the game you are either working for Rockstar, or are a gaming journalist. Now, the former I can guarantee you are not, the latter I can't, though I'm doubting it. Perhaps you might like to explain just what exactly bothered you in terms of the gameplay, what aspects of it did you not like?

People might start to believe you then. Otherwise we're done here. I don't like arguing on the Internet, it's retarded, so let's end this.

Also I still can't tell if you're a troll or not.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 23rd October, 2008 @ 21:31 - Permalink

Man this game looks crap, the graphics are rubbish.

Only kidding :P I can't wait to play this game during my occasional "grab the DS and head for the toilet" sessions. Looks fun!

Also I lol'd at the guy who said he'd played the game haha!

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 24th October, 2008 @ 02:49 - Permalink

Is criticizing CW's graphics the equivalent of bashing about the gameplay of GTASA? I admit, I do have gripes about the series, but still, I felt that it would be too rude of me to bash on a yet-to-be-released game...

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