New BoGT video - Meet Tony Prince

By Chris | 9th Sep 2009 at 03:20 GMT in GTA IV | 5 Comments

Rockstar has released a new video clip from The Ballad of Gay Tony, focusing on "Gay" Tony Prince. The video is roughly one minute long and features Tony's nightclubs, Hercules and Maisonette 9. Watch below or head over to Rockstar's website for the HD version.

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Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 9th September, 2009 @ 06:46 - Permalink

awesome trailer!!! but what does he say at the end??

Artur's photo
Artur 9th September, 2009 @ 15:02 - Permalink

Something alone the lines of "The nightclub tray or tree is not what it used to be"? I'm not sure it was kind of confusing. But yeah cool trailer.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 9th September, 2009 @ 19:15 - Permalink

Meh, the coolest thing was the Buffalo! It's now got a civilian version! Awesome, lucky 360'ers.

Bulletproofboy's photo
Bulletproofboy 9th September, 2009 @ 19:47 - Permalink

cool cool nice trailer

should have been 20 second longer

Rowie235's photo
Rowie235 9th September, 2009 @ 22:09 - Permalink

Looks Sweet. 360 here I come!

Something alone the lines of "The nightclub tray or tree is not what it used to be"? I'm not sure it was kind of confusing. But yeah cool trailer.

I think he said trade.

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