TLAD coming to GTA IV PC? Looks like it...

By Chris | 10th Nov 2009 at 14:12 GMT in GTA IV | 11 Comments

A new title update for GTA IV PC released today has added achievements for The Lost and Damned! No official announcement from Rockstar or Microsoft on this, but by the looks of it we can say with some degree of certainty that the game will be coming to the PC version of GTA IV.

Microsoft paid million for the exclusive DLC, however, no details of the deal were ever made public - whether it was a timed or permanent exclusive, or whether it was an Xbox 360 or GFWL exclusive.

At the time of posting there is still no changelog for what else the patch does. Though as per usual there are a wide variety of opinions, some claiming small performance increases, while others say it "doesn't do dick"...

More on that when we get the changelog.

TheGreemSim's photo
TheGreemSim 10th November, 2009 @ 19:03 - Permalink

A new title update for GTA IV PC released today has added achievements for The Lost and Damned! No official announcement from Rockstar or Microsoft on this, but by the looks of it we can say with some degree of certainty that the game will be coming to the PC version of GTA IV.

Microsoft paid million for the exclusive DLC, however, no details of the deal were ever made public - whether it was a timed or permanent exclusive, or whether it was an Xbox 360 or GFWL exclusive.

At the time of posting there is still no changelog for what else the patch does. Though as per usual there are a wide variety of opinions, some claiming small performance increases, while others say it "doesn't do dick"...

More on that when we get the changelog.

Well I suppose this is good for Playstation users but I take it you'll still need a monster PC to run it.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th November, 2009 @ 22:26 - Permalink

Well I suppose this is good for Playstation users but I take it you'll still need a monster PC to run it.

LOL no it isn't. Sony makes the PS3, not Microsoft. Your logic is flawed, sir.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 10th November, 2009 @ 22:56 - Permalink

Just goes to show what Micro$oft will do for a quick bu....hold up. Now I sound like one of those butthurt fanboys who were complaining about not getting tLaD in the first place, huh?

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 10th November, 2009 @ 23:43 - Permalink

hmmm i guess still no hopes of it coming to ps3...

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 11th November, 2009 @ 02:54 - Permalink

I wouldn't say no hope. I'm still holding out. As long as Episodes From Liberty City is a video game, and as long as the PS3 is a game console, I'd say that there's still some hope that we'll get it....someday....

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 13th November, 2009 @ 17:57 - Permalink

Nice. And new title update, woot.

demon_h's photo
demon_h 21st November, 2009 @ 21:08 - Permalink

Sorry for the stupid question but is there mentioned a release date or some info...?

toasty87's photo
toasty87 7th December, 2009 @ 02:58 - Permalink

YAY!!!! wait why...R* JUST come out and say it PLZ!!

Sorry for the stupid question but is there mentioned a release date or some info...?

that wasn't that stupid of a question but as of now there are no details on this.

Snazzybacon's photo
Snazzybacon 7th December, 2009 @ 14:46 - Permalink

Well I suppose this is good for Playstation users but I take it you'll still need a monster PC to run it.

LOL no it isn't. Sony makes the PS3, not Microsoft. Your logic is flawed, sir.

Actually, in this case you logic is flawed :D

I think he meant that it's good for Playstation users as they probably also are going to get the DLC.

_Ray's photo
_Ray 12th December, 2009 @ 14:28 - Permalink

So other than the achievements, I take it that nobody has a source?

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 12th December, 2009 @ 14:37 - Permalink

There are a few sources... CXheck GTAF for example... Right now I'm at grandparents so no sources saved.

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