75% off GTA IV PC (Steam)

By Chris | 23rd Dec 2009 at 01:55 GMT in GTA IV | 17 Comments

I just finished a session of Modern Warfare 2 and noticed that the PC version of GTA IV, via Steam, currently has 75% off the retail price. That's £19.99 reduced to £4.99 (.49, €7.49). Now is definitely the perfect opportunity to pick up a copy in time for Christmas if you don't already own it!

Be quick though, the offer ends in just under a couple of days time (4PM GMT) Christmas Eve.

Check out the offer within the Store section of your Steam client, or head over to this page.

Also perhaps of interest is the "Rockstar Collection" which has 33% off until 3rd January, bringing the price down to £33.49 (.89, €40.19). The collection includes all these excellent games.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 23rd December, 2009 @ 02:02 - Permalink

Might want to add the price for Europe.

7,49. Surprise.. Valve doesn't think Euro makes a damn difference so we get effed once again.

Anyway, still that's a very good price. I like these deals they have now and then

40,19 EUR for the R* complete collection by the way. Pretty damn good deal there.

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd December, 2009 @ 02:06 - Permalink

Haha thanks for that Jace, updated the post. Look at how the prices fluctuate between the $ and the €... interesting how they've worked that one out.

Bustago's photo
Bustago 23rd December, 2009 @ 02:56 - Permalink

Is GTAIV Moddable when its on steam? NEED INFO QUICK

Connor's photo
Connor 23rd December, 2009 @ 03:26 - Permalink

I've read around that it's possible, if not better. You can get rid of the mods much more easily after you've gotten tired of them, apparently.

Blur's photo
Blur 23rd December, 2009 @ 03:36 - Permalink

Yeah I noticed this as well while playing Left 4 Dead 2. I've been looking to get the Rockstar Collection from Steam ever since I knew that they had it. Well this is going on my wish list among other things.

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 23rd December, 2009 @ 08:09 - Permalink

That's a pretty good deal ~ (AUD) for GTA4. If I had a good enough PC I'd probably order it.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 23rd December, 2009 @ 09:46 - Permalink

Seeing as it's banned where I live, I might actually nab this offer. Cheers for the info Chris.

Damjan's photo
Damjan 23rd December, 2009 @ 16:45 - Permalink

I wait for MW2 to go on some deal like this.I mean come on,60 euros for a game?Bullshit.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 23rd December, 2009 @ 18:01 - Permalink

Is there a reason as to why I can't find the download? When I search rockstar games on the steam search bar all I get is a manhunt trailer. My country is set to United Kingdom. Maybe steam can detect what country I am presently in and will not show those games as they are banned, possibly? I'm in the UAE at the moment...

Damjan's photo
Damjan 23rd December, 2009 @ 18:19 - Permalink

That link didn't work for me either.only UK i guess :(

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd December, 2009 @ 18:49 - Permalink

Strange, seems to work for the UK, US and most western European countries... seems it's only available in these regions.

Bustago's photo
Bustago 23rd December, 2009 @ 20:00 - Permalink

Strange, seems to work for the UK, US and most western European countries... seems it's only available in these regions.

it works in new zealand

Pandora's photo
Pandora 24th December, 2009 @ 00:50 - Permalink

That's the one reason I dislike Steam.. a bit.

There're somewhat forced to operate like this though.. Doesn't take away that it's annoying.

Perhaps using another proxy/ip would help. Or have someone to give it as a gift (and you'll pay them back with Pay-Pall or something).

d875j's photo
d875j 4th January, 2010 @ 08:44 - Permalink


Charger's photo
Charger 5th January, 2010 @ 20:40 - Permalink

Is GTAIV Moddable when its on steam? NEED INFO QUICK

Same question I have. Because I downloaded a 100% Save game from here and followed all the instructions but the game won't start when I add the files. Is there a different way on STEAM to add the save file and probably even mods?


Johnathon Hurcombe's photo
Johnathon Hurcombe 10th February, 2010 @ 21:14 - Permalink

Is GTAIV Moddable when its on steam? NEED INFO QUICK

Same question I have. Because I downloaded a 100% Save game from here and followed all the instructions but the game won't start when I add the files. Is there a different way on STEAM to add the save file and probably even mods?


i have a friend who can mod steam but thats gta sa

MAKDJ's photo
MAKDJ 23rd February, 2010 @ 18:08 - Permalink

I think gta iv on pc has the poorest performance of all the consoles.Thats the reasson i am not buying it.YET


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