Grand Theft Auto IV and EFLC PC Patch 7

By Chris | 28th May 2010 at 18:33 GMT in GTA IV | 1 Comment

Rockstar Toronto have released a new patch for the PC versions of GTA IV and EFLC. Patch number 7 will be downloaded automatically next time you sign in to Games for Windows LIVE when playing the game. Downloadable versions of the updates will be available on Rockstar's support site soon. The patches contain the following changes:


v. / (Russian) / (Japanese)

  • fix a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent
  • fix a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to Social Club when attaching certain music tracks
  • fix for clip capture "OFF" slowdowns occuring when near waters edge
  • expose "detonate" in custom key mapping options menu for Grand Theft Auto IV, Lost and Damned so users can remap "down" arrow key



  • fix a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent
  • fix a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to Social Club when attaching music tracks from the Ballad of Gay Tony
  • fix for clip capture "OFF" slowdowns occuring when near waters edge
  • fix for slowdown occuring when getting in a boat during "Sexy Time" mission in The Ballad of Gay Tony
  • expose "detonate" in custom key mapping options menu for Lost and Damned so users can remap "down" arrow key
  • EFLC now has it's own settings file called "SETTINGS_EFLC.CFG" to avoid possible conflicts with GTA IV installations

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 1st June, 2010 @ 07:28 - Permalink

Pretty awesome patch, massive improvements in my fps.

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