San Andreas Now Available on Mac App Store

By Chris | 1st Sep 2011 at 22:07 GMT in San Andreas | 32 Comments

IPB ImageRounding off the Grand Theft Auto trilogy's excursion to the Mac App Store is the release of San Andreas, priced the same as GTA3 and Vice City at £10.49 (.99 / 11,99 €).

Both GTA3 and Vice City are enjoying high ratings from customers who have bought the games, and as expected, San Andreas is proving to be no exception, with people already saying it is performing well on their Mac's. Looks like Rockstar have done an excellent job bringing the trilogy to OS X, only time will tell if we'll end up seeing more releases in the future.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 2nd September, 2011 @ 01:00 - Permalink

Yeah, that's nice. Since the three games were all Cider ports it would be an easy job for them to port the games, but idk as to how did they manage to solve the mouse problem in the first two III-era games. 'Twas a common issue up to now that some games would end up having mouselook problems when run on Wine or any of its derivatives such as Cider, like the mouse losing focus on the game when you try to pan the cam at 180 or so degrees.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 2nd September, 2011 @ 09:38 - Permalink

I remember that. I only had it in SA wile I was running my old Pentium 4. Only happened on single player though.

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 2nd September, 2011 @ 15:20 - Permalink

I posted this 2 hours before you posted.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 2nd September, 2011 @ 15:45 - Permalink

I'd merge the topic, but always manage to fuck it up. It's either merge into thread or merge thread into this one...

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 2nd September, 2011 @ 16:35 - Permalink

I posted this 2 hours before you posted.

Doesn't mean anything, usually news get posted here by Staff, your topic could've been first but it wouldn't have been moved here so what's the point?

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 2nd September, 2011 @ 19:30 - Permalink

I'd merge the topic, but always manage to fuck it up. It's either merge into thread or merge thread into this one...

How do you merge topics?

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 2nd September, 2011 @ 20:03 - Permalink

I posted this 2 hours before you posted.

A winner is you. Fool.

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 2nd September, 2011 @ 20:15 - Permalink


Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 4th September, 2011 @ 10:58 - Permalink


A winner is you. Fool.


MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 4th September, 2011 @ 11:49 - Permalink

I hate him.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 4th September, 2011 @ 13:40 - Permalink

I don't. But you're still a fuckin' spammer.

Miles Pedro Prower's photo
Miles Pedro Prower 4th September, 2011 @ 14:24 - Permalink

Now c'mon, both of you, stop. Now. :P

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 4th September, 2011 @ 18:18 - Permalink

Not a fucking spammer dickhead.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 4th September, 2011 @ 19:51 - Permalink

I'd quite like to step in here and get a few things said:

@TUNA - If you have a problem with a certain member of the forum spamming, then kindly inform me of your concerns instead of following that same member around the forums with your nose up his ass jumping on everything he posts with tiring, cookie cutter remarks.

@MrGTA - If you believe another member is making your time spent on these forums less enjoyable, contact me outlining your concerns and we will do our utmost to take action upon those concerns. In the meantime, try not to retaliate or stoop to their level. Also: the post merge is just a moderator tool so that we can merge duplicate threads to help minimise clutter and confusion.

I know we're not especially active these days, but that doesn't mean we're any less vigilant. Just leave it the fuck out - simple as that.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 5th September, 2011 @ 09:30 - Permalink


Maybe the countless (three actually) reports I made on his posts? Mainly the ones that consist ether of nothing more than ''lol'' or :) or :P or old news that were ether mentioned if not posted before. Sorry if I don't like the fact that I get warned (Miles) for a post that wasn't longer than two words wile he (MrGTA) can spam continuously without nobody noticing giving a s*it.


Go away.


Riveting tale chap.

Miles Pedro Prower's photo
Miles Pedro Prower 5th September, 2011 @ 16:40 - Permalink

@TUN3R If you keep acting like this, you'll soon have one more ban to your already long list...

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 5th September, 2011 @ 16:52 - Permalink

Tuner, I have seen the reports, and I just don't think any of what you're pointing out warrants any sort of sanction. Without going through each of the reports and individually pointing out why, you might not see where I'm coming from. For instance, the report you've made from this thread stemmed from an argument YOU have instigated, and then reported MrGTA for his retaliation. There's no need for that.

Sorry if I don't like the fact that I get warned (Miles) for a post that wasn't longer than two words...

Any... anywhere this has happened that you can point t me to? Also, with all due respect to him, Miles can't warn you shit. So don't worry about that.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 5th September, 2011 @ 17:53 - Permalink

I'm not worried. But just like he was disturbed back them, I am now.

It's total bullshit but I don't care, not like I have anything to gain from this.



MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 5th September, 2011 @ 18:29 - Permalink

Doesn't anyone think that we are taking this a bit too far? Tun3r i only argue cos you start it with stupid comments. What the fuck is wrong with my :) , :P or lol comments? Its called commenting not spamming. And the old news was not on TGTAP thats why i posted iT!! >.< Now fucking let it go!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 5th September, 2011 @ 20:01 - Permalink

A post consisting of a smiley face is a comment? I'd hate to see you talk in real life...

Whatever, your rules so do whatever you want with 'em...

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 6th September, 2011 @ 08:22 - Permalink


Seriously, this has to stop. It ain't making sense anymore.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 6th September, 2011 @ 16:14 - Permalink

Fair enough. I'm sowwy MrGTA.

Red_Squirrel_UK's photo
Red_Squirrel_UK 16th September, 2011 @ 16:25 - Permalink

It's taken 'em this long to bring SA to mac user's?

Heh, better late then never I guess... How come GTA IV is suppose to be a bad port anyhoo? Is it not as good as it is on consoles? I have GTA IV for pc, not really played it much on the PC but it seemed exactly the same to me :s

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 16th September, 2011 @ 18:39 - Permalink

Too many bugs glitches and shit

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 17th September, 2011 @ 03:50 - Permalink

It's taken 'em this long to bring SA to mac user's?

Heh, better late then never I guess... How come GTA IV is suppose to be a bad port anyhoo? Is it not as good as it is on consoles? I have GTA IV for pc, not really played it much on the PC but it seemed exactly the same to me :s

Well it was a tad unoptimised, being that it used too much CPU cycles and shit. I can barely reach 40fps on some areas where as I can run Mafia II on near-max settings and with 35-65fps.

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 17th September, 2011 @ 08:56 - Permalink

Same. Mafia 2 is fucking greatly optimised! Smoooooooooooooooth :)

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 17th September, 2011 @ 11:17 - Permalink

GTA IV doesn't need much to run but it needs a 22nd century PC to run perfectly... or even decently...

Miles Pedro Prower's photo
Miles Pedro Prower 17th September, 2011 @ 14:20 - Permalink

No, Tun3r. It needs a 69th century PC to run decently. With low settings.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 17th September, 2011 @ 17:39 - Permalink
MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 18th September, 2011 @ 08:55 - Permalink

I really really hope that LA Noire and Max Payne are well optimised on PC!!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 18th September, 2011 @ 08:59 - Permalink

Well they certainly don't look like 2012 games so...

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 18th September, 2011 @ 11:29 - Permalink

I really really hope that LA Noire and Max Payne are well optimised on PC!!

Me too.

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