Asked & Answered: GTAV

By Chris | 2nd Jul 2013 at 15:23 GMT in GTA V | 6 Comments



After a few weeks with no new GTAV info, Rockstar have posted up a new Asked & Answered article featuring questions that fans have put to them in recent weeks. If you can't be bothered to read through the questions and answers, here's an extremely brief summary of them:


  • You can't go and find the other two characters you're not playing as and kill them as this would be retarded, but you can assault them and put them in hospital if you wish.
  • Vehicle customisation is "very deep" and there are a "range of weapon upgrades".
  • Differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions should be negligible - you probably won't be able to tell any difference.
  • PS3 version ships on one disc and will require an 8GB install.
  • 360 version ships on two discs; disc 1 will contain a one-time mandatory 8GB install, while disc 2 will be used to play the game.
  • We'll be seeing some GTAV gameplay "soon".
  • Rockstar are still keeping quiet about the release of a PC version. (We think it's blatantly obvious the PC version will be released 6-12 months after the console versions, though.)
  • Rockstar once again confirm that GTAV's multiplayer is called "Grand Theft Auto Online" and that we'll get details on it "soon".
  • In Grand Theft Auto Online, you should have a better playing experience with regards to cheating dickheads ruining games.
Blur's photo
Blur 2nd July, 2013 @ 17:47 - Permalink

Bring it on! It makes sense, they want to show all of what they have learned this generation since IV. I'm expecting Rockstar to showcase the technical aspects like gunplay from Max Payne, the customization, the economy and how we can spend our money, and more of each character's world area respectively. Should be fun.


Also, would love to hear anyone who is planning on not watching the gameplay series. A media blackout for a game like GTA seems very futile, you know all your friends will be talking about it, everyone on the forums will discuss it. Unless you avoid the internet. I'm not going to even consider it.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 3rd July, 2013 @ 01:53 - Permalink

The two-disc requirement on the 360 version is expected, given the scale of the game. The proposed anti-cheat protection seems 'swell, although I'm worrying that it might impair modding on the PC version, even though it wouldn't be tampering with the gameplay at all.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 3rd July, 2013 @ 02:41 - Permalink

No information about the ps4 version yet?

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 5th July, 2013 @ 01:29 - Permalink

Kinda expected news regarding discs for PS3 and XB360, however, seems there's a growing discontent for PC gamers holding out on some kind of hope, Rockstar deleted a response calling them PC platform 'haters' and probably represented too much anger and resentment over the lack of PC TOO gaming from Rockstar, but there's hopefully more hope then I can muster at present. That response from Rockstar on Newswire makes me think there's less of a chance then we'd hoped

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 10th July, 2013 @ 02:52 - Permalink

No information about the ps4 version yet?


This was posted on the PS blog by someone that I think is a Rockstar employee.


Hey there, thanks for your question. We are completely focused on delivering the best possible experience for the consoles people have right now, and we don’t have anything to share about the possibility of a next-gen release at this time.


If GTA V does end up being a launch title on next gen consoles, it'll probably drive their sales sky high.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 11th July, 2013 @ 03:56 - Permalink

That statement is widely adopted and not something new actually, Rockstar won't admit anything beyond a prior quoted interview with Dan Houser, who's much more believable as a source then nameless employees responding online, who said that when the Nintendo Wii U was set to release, that Rockstar would be looking at it, presumably buying the new hardware and taking the electronics for test drives to see what they like about it and what might work for a Rockstar game geared toward a specific system. 


Again, considering a lengthy development beyond most companies' dev time, GTA as just one example, Red Dead Red being the other, 5 years is really half the life span of the popular consoles, and some might hope a handheld platform like PSVita can live just as long, the Sony PS Go certainly didn't 'go anywhere', but the PSP system was released in 2005. Something to keep in mind. When PSP was new, word on the newly fashioned CPU processor CELL was also making the trades, and it's basically seeing it's last widespread and adopted use in Playstation 3

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