IGN's Hands-on with GTA Online

By Chris | 4th Sep 2013 at 16:25 GMT in GTA V | 7 Comments

The second day of IGN's week-long coverage of GTAV brings us a great hands-on preview of what to expect in GTA Online. IGN's Ryan McCaffrey is the first person outside of Rockstar Games to play the "shockingly ambitious" standalone multiplayer mode, and he has described 10 "crazy, awesome" things he saw and did in it.
Have a read of the hands-on preview yourself, Ryan says GTA Online "is everything you’ve always dreamed an online GTA should be. It even has elements of persistence, though it’s definitely not an MMO." The preview also included 11 screenshots.

rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_001.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_002.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_006.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_009.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_014.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_019.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_020.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_021.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_022.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_023.jpg rsg_gtaonline_screenshot_024.jpg

Someguy42's photo
Someguy42 4th September, 2013 @ 18:03 - Permalink

Thanks for posting it, Chris. Even though I didn't care for GTA IV's multiplyer (or GTA 1's multiplayer, or SAMP), this looks like it'll be a blast  :awesome:

Sherman's photo
Sherman 4th September, 2013 @ 23:09 - Permalink

Looking even better! I don't care for the hanging out in the apartment/house/mansion etc but everything else looks good.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 5th September, 2013 @ 00:14 - Permalink

The variety in this game looks utterly insane. Vehicles, Missions, Characters, Landscapes, Guns -  everything. I can tell i'm going to sink a ton of hours into the online if it hits PC. Probably won't go for an awful lot online on the 360, though.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 5th September, 2013 @ 02:29 - Permalink

Was it just me or does the cul-de-sac hint of a nod to SA's Grove Street?

Blur's photo
Blur 5th September, 2013 @ 05:52 - Permalink

Was it just me or does the cul-de-sac hint of a nod to SA's Grove Street?


Yup, its now Ballas territory. That picture I linked to matches up with the one posted above. Same lamp posts, and yellow fire hydrant.

NSanityHD's photo
NSanityHD 5th September, 2013 @ 09:40 - Permalink

I wonder if some of the old characters will be mentioned from time to time in radio or something like Tommy Vercetti, Claude and Joey was in SA..

Trevor_Philips's photo
Trevor_Philips 5th September, 2013 @ 20:24 - Permalink

I wonder if some of the old characters will be mentioned from time to time in radio or something like Tommy Vercetti, Claude and Joey was in SA..


Not likely. They don't exist in the GTA IV Era.

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