Complete GTA V Cheats Listing Now Available

By Chris | 29th Sep 2013 at 07:06 GMT in GTA V | 4 Comments

If you're one of the millions of people who likes to use cheats in GTA games, perhaps just for fun, or perhaps to get ahead, then you've probably been impatiently waiting for cheats for GTA V to be discovered. A number of cheats were discovered on day one and we've been keeping our list up to date whenever new ones were found since then.


The wait is now over for all cheats to be revealed. Thanks to some enterprising fellows using a variety of methods from trying old cheats from San Andreas, to using scripts on the game, we now have the final few cheats that were missing. You can see all of them, for both PS3 and Xbox 360, on our GTA V cheats page.


If you're one of the millions of users of our GTA Cheats app for iOS and Android, you'll be pleased to know both these are up to date with the complete cheats listing for GTA V, please ensure you are using at least version 1.4 for iOS, or 1.4.2 for Android in order to see them. I'd also like to take this opportunity to give a huge thank you to everyone supporting us by using these apps. The iOS version in particular has been doing phenomenally well in the App Store rankings, and in the Top Free Charts has been consistently beating out the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Skype, eBay, and more... something which I never believed could happen. It's safe to say that GTA V is truly a global sensation, helping all GTA-related websites and apps to become flooded with new users, and it's practically impossible to find anyone who hasn't heard of the game, even if they're not a gamer!



Rowie235's photo
Rowie235 29th September, 2013 @ 08:40 - Permalink

Love the app! Great that it's doing so well.

@Chris, If one pays to remove the ads how much of our 99c goes to you/development?

M3shyS's photo
M3shyS 29th September, 2013 @ 12:47 - Permalink

Awesome app :) 


I'm going to be using it, after I complete all the achievements I want. Damnit, I don't want R* disabling my achievements just because I used a cheat code, none the less. I've got the app on my phone :)


@Rowie235 I'd guess it'd be used for him and his reward for making an awesome network community site (tgtap) and to help pay for any costs.

Chris's photo
Chris 29th September, 2013 @ 15:51 - Permalink

Love the app! Great that it's doing so well.

@Chris, If one pays to remove the ads how much of our 99c goes to you/development?

Thanks. I get 70% of it. So roughly 69c. I don't ever push for sales of that though, the ads on the website covers all our costs (server being the main one, but also domains, and software licenses such as for this forum). I'd certainly never charge for the app, I believe basic information like cheats should be free to everyone, since they are on the internet, but at the end of the day I also need to make a living, hence why I decided to put ads in the app. I feel they're unobtrusive enough to not bother most people. And indeed the vast majority don't seem to be bothered, so that's great. The website and apps will be around for a very long time :)


Awesome app :)


I'm going to be using it, after I complete all the achievements I want. Damnit, I don't want R* disabling my achievements just because I used a cheat code, none the less. I've got the app on my phone :)


@Rowie235 I'd guess it'd be used for him and his reward for making an awesome network community site (tgtap) and to help pay for any costs.

I think you're safe to use them in your normal game. It only disables achievements for that particular session. You can just reload your game to continue as normal. I think autosave gets turned off if you enter a cheat, so it stops you from accidentally overwriting your save (not 100% sure of this though as I haven't been using cheats myself yet).

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 29th September, 2013 @ 20:25 - Permalink

Should expound as well about the in-game app for learning control of Chop, I have a hard time seeing the small on screen prompts from several feet away, my eyes have gotten progressively worse, and wearing reading glasses while watching TV is not a solution! hahaha

 Usually the cheats most common are summoning vehicles anywhere, and infinite health and ammo, and for any multiple ped universe, equipping them with weapons, mass rioting, as in the end of original San An, and other comical devices. I don't cheat too often because of it's effect on saved games, and then you tend to forget which ones. Now it's easier thanks to massive storage options that we didn't have back the day

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