Next-gen GTA release date revealed?

By Adriaan | 22nd Jul 2005 at 19:35 GMT in GTA IV | 11 Comments

In a article, where they wrote that Take 2 Interactive may have even more investigations around the sex scenes of San Andreas, including the SEC and the Federal Trade Commision, Banc of America Securities analyst, Gary Cooper, had something very interesting to say.

"Will the company soften GTA content?" he asks. "It seems unlikely to us that this will happen. Still, pressures will mount and scrutiny will intensify surrounding the next release of GTA, which is scheduled for October of 2006."

Very interesting indeed!

Thanks to Jordan for pointing me in the right direction.

tyler's photo
tyler 4th November, 2005 @ 03:13 - Permalink

this release date is accurate or do u think it'll change

GTA 4 Guy's photo
GTA 4 Guy 12th November, 2005 @ 19:33 - Permalink

Sounds believable, we get a new game every two years, it will be around there I'm sure.

Taime's photo
Taime 13th November, 2005 @ 02:51 - Permalink

yeh but what console cause im sure PS3 is gonna be coming out 2007 so if that is the release date what console xbox360,revolution,xbox,ps2

Morris's photo
Morris 13th November, 2005 @ 04:32 - Permalink

It's definatly not going to be for the PS2 or XBox. It will most likely be for the PS3 because I think the PS3 is coming out in 2006 but I'm not sure.

INWA's photo
INWA 20th November, 2005 @ 20:10 - Permalink

damn.. still almost a year till it comes out

Aftermath's photo
Aftermath 5th December, 2005 @ 16:36 - Permalink

I have a bad feeling about the release date. It could change probably or something else is gonna happen...

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 6th December, 2005 @ 00:30 - Permalink
I have a bad feeling about the release date. It could change probably or something else is gonna happen...

Same here. That just sounds way too early.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 7th December, 2005 @ 01:04 - Permalink

I listened to the UBS 33rd Annual Global Media Conference today when Take-Two interactive was up. Let me check my notes...

Rockstar bringing another Grand Theft Auto title on the PSP and a sequel to one of their leading brands for the PS3 :)

Now that is either Man Hunt, Midnight Club or... GTA ;)

Lewi's photo
Lewi 7th December, 2005 @ 07:30 - Permalink
I listened to the UBS 33rd Annual Global Media Conference today when Take-Two interactive was up. Let me check my notes...

Rockstar bringing another Grand Theft Auto title on the PSP and a sequel to one of their leading brands for the PS3 :)

Now that is either Man Hunt, Midnight Club or... GTA ;)


I wish that its a new gta hay dont get me wrong midnight club and manhunt are wasome games but gta kicks ass and they wont release a sequel to man hunt because the first one has been banned and they realesed new midnight club games to recently to make a new one

Simon.'s photo
Simon. 8th December, 2005 @ 01:53 - Permalink

I personally think it's too early for a GTA4, but you never know with the game industry. I think I read somewhere, that they were making another GTA for the PSP... now I think it's possible for it to be another portable GTA ^_^.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 8th December, 2005 @ 04:12 - Permalink
I personally think it's too early for a GTA4, but you never know with the game industry. I think I read somewhere, that they were making another GTA for the PSP... now I think it's possible for it to be another portable GTA ^_^.

Not what they are talking about here, and yes, there is another PSP GTA on the way.

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